She expresses that she was overcome- that she could not BUT believe.
oi vei alright lets go through this.
"Could not but believe"
After examining the evidence she could not but believe... I can make the same point for her making a decision after weighing the options in her heart.
False; If that was all Calvinism was the book written on it would have been a brochure. Calvinism has more tenents to it. Your forgetting that you are saying she is elect then. As only the 'elect' as defined by calvin will be saved, there are more points to Calvinism. The conversation gets bigger than just "she felt compelled".
And it is true about ANY type of belief.
You don't CHOOSE to believe- you are persuaded to believe. Your beliefs are things that you obtained quite passively.
what? I don't choose.. I am persuaded? persuasion involves an internal change of decision.
Do you BELIEVE in gravity?
Did you CHOOSE to believe in gravity?
No. You have no choice but to believe what you have been overwhelmingly persuaded to believe. You are passive as it pertains to your belief in gravity.
Good grief - nice comparison.
lets say before gravity a group of people thought they were held to the ground by the mystical hands of the dead so that they could live their lives. Then Science comes around and shows how gravity works. Science people would need to convince or "persuade" the group of people that they are wrong and that the science community is right.
Belief is not a choice- it is something that happens TO us.
Who does the deciding who believes?
-God does?
So those who don't believe God didn't want to believe
So God doesn't want everyone to become saved?
-it would appear so
I thought Calvinism was people just coming to faith... apparently there's more to it than that.
"Belief is not a choice, it something that happens to us" I disagree it is a choice, someone told you santa wasn't real, you decided they were right and you agreed, making a mental choice. If the solution seems so obvious perhaps you may not notice any big "Decision" but one is being made.
Non-cals believe in salvation by grace through CHOICE.
Thats just mean, first you say that Calvinism is only a pamphlet and now your not properly stating what non-cals believe. Grace alone, by faith alone, through Jesus Christ alone. Don't be silly and say we dont believe that.
Calvinists believe in salvation by grace through faith.
Again we agree with Grace by Faith Alone, We believe faith is a response to the gospel
Calvinists are right because they believe what the Bible teaches about salvation.
Blah blah, Rally that argument back "no im right! Im saying what the bible teaches about salvation". Quantify your argument, dont try and bully your position.
Salvation is not by grace through choice and faith is NOT a choice.
Salvation is by grace through FAITH. You believe what you HAVE BEEN PERSUADED is true.
Just gunna let you know you shot yourself in the foot on this one
"persuaded past participle, past tense of per·suade (Verb)
Cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
Cause (someone) to believe something, esp. after a sustained effort; convince."
Persuation is to convince someone of an argument so that they change to conform to your position. They would need to change their opinion.
Again, us non-cals, dont disagree that grace is by faith alone, we disagree on how one obtains faith.
Calvinism is not as cut and dry as you stated.