Active Member
Absolutely false. Any legitimate Church History book will inform you that Calvin did not become a citizen of Geneva until 1559 --any of them.
You're making stuff up because of your hatred of a fictional figure you call John Calvin.
That's stupid. No legit source, except hate-filled anti-Calvinist websites push that junk of yours.
You've gone off the rails entirely. Rather than saying things that are completely untrue hold your tongue and keystrokes and begin to tell the truth for a change.
Absolutely,incredibly false. You are compounding your prevarications.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Lies do not serve to advance your "cause" --whatever that may be.
You have a bad case of truth decay. And as a professing Christian that is troubling. And you are a moderator to boot. That is hard to fathom.
"I truly dislike the hate speech and lies about Calvin. Calvin DID NOT murder anyone. And I will not tolerate lies by 'haters' here." (Dr. Bob 4/25/1206)
Yeah,and I've read them --especially the ones by Schaffer. Have you read my Schaffer quotes?
You are amazingly hypocritical DHK. You ask me to read your sources and yet dismiss mine out of hand. You remind me of Mormons who tell me to read their stuff --and I have. Then,a week or so later thinking they would have the decency to read my biblical literature --no,they read nary a page. There was no reciprocity. You are like the Mormons.
You have intentionally broken the 9th commandment. You are not being a very good example here.
For all this power that you claim Calvin had --if he was such a dictator --calling all the shots in Geneva --how in the world did he, Farel, and company get kicked out of Geneva in 1538? Did he banish himself?!
He was not a magistrate. He held no political office. Most of the members of the City Council who decided the fate of Servetus were enemies of Calvin. These were the Libertines. They hated Calvin. Calvin was not in charge. They decided on the execution of Servetus reluctantly after getting input from the other Swiss churches. Those churches with unanimity said Servetus needed to be executed. The City Council decided to burn him. Calvin wanted the more humane decapitation. His request was turned down.
That's the truth. Your "version" is not factual --it is fantasy. As Christians we are called upon to be truthful. We are supposed to be His witnesses here. Christ is Truth --we should follow the way of truth.
I'll stand with you here. You are absolutely correct and said get a pass for such behavior on BB.
It's good to see another brother who unabashedly speaks the truth. May God continue to bless you abundantly.