You know the Facts --but deny them
The fact remains that Schaff did not call Calvin a murderer. Schaff continually reminds us that the Little Council (of which Calvin was not a member) issued the death warrant for Servetus. Calvin and the Consistory dealt only with ecclesiastical matters --not civil affairs. The Consistory did not wield any authority in the matters pertaining to the State whatsoever. That's the truth --the truth that Schaff and the testimonies of all the others that I have produced. You are running on empty DHK.
All of the above is absolutely truthful --historically factual. Anyone who differs with it is fabricating. Calvin had no authority to "order" the death of Sevetus or anyone else. To insist on that junk is pure obstinacy despite very well knowing the truth. In other words --sinning.Calvin was not the religious dictator of Geneva. Stop imbibing fiction. Calvin was turned down by the council many times with his requests regarding excommunication and having the Lord's Supper every week. Since he was turned down he can't very well be some despot can he?
Schaff,whom you use to try and place blame as a killer, lavishes praise on Calvin. He calls him "the Christian Elijah" and speaks of "the sanctity of his character." Was Schaff schizophrenic? Was he calling Calvin a murderer at times and extolling his admirable virtues in the next breath? Of course not. Schaff never called Calvin a killer. You know that very well. You know very well that all of those incidents detailed in chapter eight of Schaff's volume never charge Calvin with murder. All capital punishments were dealt with by the State. The Consistory only had authority over ecclesiastical matters --not things in the civil realm. You know that.
You know that the Consistory was not a civil court.
You know that the Small Council alone had the power to execute anyone.
You know that the City Council prosecuted the case against Servetus.
You know that Calvin was not a member of any of the three Councils in Geneva.
You know that Schaff never charged Calvin with murder.
You know that the other Reformers of Calvin's time endorsed the state execution of Servetus.
You know that Calvin held no political office.
You know that from 1546 to 1555 Calvin and his friends and fellow pastors of the Consistory were in the minority.
You know that the Little Council was composed of a majority who resented Calvin --the Libertines.
You know that the Libertines had to follow the expressed wishes of the four Swiss Churches or Geneva would be considered ripe for the plucking.
You know that thousands of refugees flooded to Geneva during Calvin's time.
You know that those thousands would not have come there if Calvin was the tyrant you make him out to have been.
You know that no other city in Europe was considered as much of a safe haven as Geneva was.
You know all of these facts. Yet you still resist the truth at every turn. It's shameful. It really is. But my postings here are for the benefit of the lurkers --not even BB members. You and others here defame and demean John Calvin. But you (in the collective sense) will be met with the facts. Your efforts are futile.