What evidence do you have that he was mission-minded?
Why pretend to be naive DHK?
He was very missionary minded. He sent out an expedition to Brazil in 1557. Two of the men were Pierre Richier and William Chartier. It was a very involved saga. Not successful at first.
Between 1555 and 1562 Calvin sent out 88 missionaries to France, and that was dangerous undertaking at that time. At least nine were killed for their faith. There was one legitimate church planted in France as a result of Calvin's initiative. By 1562 there were over 2,000.
John Calvin was devoted to missions. He made it his # 1 priority in the last decade of his life. It was what he was trying to achieve in his ministry.
He didn't just coldly send them out with money and prayers. He constantly corresponded with them to encourage and advise.
Some that he sent out were short-term church planters.
He was the head of a state-religion; not interested in the propagation of the gospel beyond Geneva unless it was for his own gain.
Calvin was an evangelist and missionary himself --not just a Reformer and certainly an Ivory tower theologian. He preached to all ages in Bourge shortly after his conversion for example.
Not everyone worships Calvin as you do.
That kind of sordid remark is repugnant and should never be used by anyone here --especially not one who pretends to be a mod. You are disgraceful and in need of deep repentance.
You give him credit where credit is not due.
I am defending him against lies and smears. That is the purpose of this thread as I made clear in my OP. You know that very well.
He was the head of a state religion, not a republic--a dictatorship.
You keep repeating that same old lie though you have been countered every time by Calvin authorities --historian/scholars who don't sling mud because it suits them.
"Far from ruling as a religious despot, Calvin was continually frustrated by the Genevan city council's unwillingness to implement many of the social reforms he advocated."
It's quite hard to be considered a dictator or despot when one is submissive to the higher powers as Calvin certainly was. And in the Servetus case it was amply illustrated.
I have plenty to read--Mostly the study of the Word.
Well, you are certainly not practicing what the Word of God admonished you to do ===tell the truth.
I am not wasting my time in Calvinistic nonsense.
And this thread isn't about Calvinism as you very well know. It is addressing the false accusations and smears against Calvin that you and others have engaged in despite all the facts that are at your disposal.
You will not dictate what actual history unfolds. He was not a dictator or head of State. Lies are not advancing your cause --whatever that may be.
Yes, church laws that resulted in "beheadings," and other cruel forms of torment and murders.
There were no church laws that enacted executions and punishments. You know the facts and are intentionally being insolent because the truth hurts you for some reason.
Calvin was the head of the Consistory. That body was concerned with ecclesiastical matters. The Little Council (of which he was no member) dealt with civil matters. The latter were magistrates --not Calvin. You were seemingly confused about this in a prior post of yours. Those where two separate and distinct bodies. Calvin was subject to the dictates of the Little Council, the 60 and the 200. As Mark Larson said:"It was the Small Council alone which had the power of the supreme penalty of capital punishment." Larson also has said :"The highest level of punishment which could be measured out by the Consistory was excommunication." And that power was only at certain times when the Concil was pleased to do so. As Schaff has said, the Consistory "had nothing to do with civil and temporal punishments which belonged exclusively to the Council."
You constantly deny historical facts. You are untrustworthy. You can't give any example proving anything because it would not illustrate factual items in Calvin's life.
Who had the power in Geneva? It was the dictator--Calvin.
Blah,blah, blah.Nothing but blather from your keystrokes. Read the appropriate sections above.
it was Calvin and his authority, his council that made decisions. Life was balanced in his hands.
Completely false as his been amply evidenced by quote after quote in abundant supply which you have put under your rug. (It's super lumpy now.)
He is the dictator with the power to do so. It was his state-religion.
Your lies are a mile high and building.
These are the things easily verifiable, even through a few paragraphs of reading Schaff.
In this very post I quoted Schaff (which I have done numerous times before). Schaff is against your falsehood.