There are some posters who insist on speading untruths in order to further their cause (whatever that may be).
For instance Heir of Salvation claims" there were numerous reformers and church-men(many who knew Calvin) who spoke strongly against his [Calvin's] actions and policies,and was VERY aware of them."
Name them please. But some of the most notable:Melanchthon,Bullinger,Knox,Farel,Bucer and Beza supported him in the Servetus affair.
HoS also says that " Luther decried Calvin's actions for example."
Sat/Nep said Calvin "had many tortured and executed."
Where is his evidence? I have poured over Schaff,Wiley,Parker,McGrath and other Calvin authorities and have found no evidence whatsoever for S/N's incredible lies and slanderous charges.
In Paris between the years 1547 and 1550 thirty-nine people were burned to death for heresy. But Paris and Geneva are not the same place,may I say!
In Alister E. McGrath's book :A Life of Calvin the author points out:
"Nor is it entirely clear why the affair should be thought of as demonstrating anything monstrous concerning Calvin. His tacit support for the capital penalty for offences such as heresy which he (and his contemporaries) regarded as serious makes him little more than a child of his age,rather than an outrageous exception to its standards. Post-Enlightenment writers have every right to rotest against the cruelty of earlier generations;to single out Calvin for particular criticism,however,suggests a selectivity approaching victimization. to target him in this way --when the manner of his involvement was,to say the least,oblique --and overlook the much greater claims to infamy of other individuals and institutions raises difficult questions concerning the precommitments of his critics. Servetus was the only individual put to death for his religios opinions in Geneva during Calvin's lifetime,at a time when executions of this nature were commonplace elsewhere." (115,116)