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Lies About John Calvin Refuted

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The kind of demeaning words you use tells us more about your character than the one to whom you attribute such evil.

You know what, it would give me second thoughts if I was arguing with twenty people on the other side. Funny it does not give you a second thought. Then again, most do not give you a second thought.


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You are nothing but a ____.

Have you ever grown as a Christian, aside from your waist size? Do you exhibit the same persona in face-to-face interactions as you do on the BB?

Words from the keystrokes of sat/nep :"And civil I will stay. You will never catch me off guard like that again."


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In another fine book with the title The Man God Mastered by Jean Cadier(1965) he states:"On October 18,the reply from the Swiss churches [ Bern,Basle,Zurich and Schaffhausen]arrived.They all decided that Servetus was guilty. They had not to pronounce on his punishment,which was the business of the Genevan magistrates,but their opinion was clear.In a private comment,Haller of Berne,giving his account of the session,said of his colleagues:"...I had no doubt that if he werte in their hands he would be delivered to the flames. They added to our reply a letter in which they exhort the Genevans to root out this pestilence for fear that the neighbouring fields be damaged by their negligence.' " (p.160)


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I will quote from a book by Williston Walker :John Calvin: The Organiser of Reformed Protestantism. (1906)

Servetus asked that Calvin "be not merely condemned but exterminated."(p.337)

After the sentence was rendered Servetus "sent for Calvin, and begged pardon for any wrong he might have done the Genevan reformer." (p.341)

After the death of Servetus a minority like Castellio criticized Calvin and the magistrates. But "These voices were,however,relatively few and unfluential.The general opinion in Protestant circles was that the world was happily rid of Servetus and that Calvin had done well. His Genevan associates approved;the Swiss churches favoured him; even so mild a man as Melanchthon declared it was 'justly done.' Nor can there be any question as to its effect upon his own position and the Evangelical cause. He had freed the Swiss churches from imputation of heresy; he had prevented any toleration of anti-Trinitarian opinions in the religious circles that looked to him for guidance. above all, his Genevan opponents had compromised themselves irretrievably by countenancing, not out of theologic sympathy, but out of hatred to him, a man whom most of the world looked upon as a justly punished heretic." (p.343,344)


New Member
I will quote from a book by Williston Walker :John Calvin: The Organiser of Reformed Protestantism. (1906)

Servetus asked that Calvin "be not merely condemned but exterminated."(p.337)

After the sentence was rendered Servetus "sent for Calvin, and begged pardon for any wrong he might have done the Genevan reformer." (p.341)

After the death of Servetus a minority like Castellio criticized Calvin and the magistrates. But "These voices were,however,relatively few and unfluential.The general opinion in Protestant circles was that the world was happily rid of Servetus and that Calvin had done well. His Genevan associates approved;the Swiss churches favoured him; even so mild a man as Melanchthon declared it was 'justly done.' Nor can there be any question as to its effect upon his own position and the Evangelical cause. He had freed the Swiss churches from imputation of heresy; he had prevented any toleration of anti-Trinitarian opinions in the religious circles that looked to him for guidance. above all, his Genevan opponents had compromised themselves irretrievably by countenancing, not out of theologic sympathy, but out of hatred to him, a man whom most of the world looked upon as a justly punished heretic." (p.343,344)
How does one do well being a murderer? I have no idea where you live, but I am going to guess you are not a citizen of the United States. No citizen of the United States of America, home of freedom and liberty, would take delight in a human being, a creation of God, suffering a death by burning. What was his crime, he did not agree with Calvin?

If the same penalty was imposed on you for not agreeing with someone, you would have been a crispy critter decades ago.


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He was not a murderer. But then again, he did not persecute any local churches. He did not insist on green wood being used for Servetus. That goes for a multitude of other lies that you incessantly repeat.

I am going to guess you are not a citizen of the United States.

Go ahead and conjecture away. Lying is something that is so natural for you. So saying disparaging things goes so well with your psychological pattern.

would take delight in a human being, a creation of God, suffering a death by burning.

And Calvin didn't either, as you well know from the evidence that I quoted from reputable,as distinct from the dishonorable sources you quote.

What was his crime, he did not agree with Calvin?

After all this time. you still don't have your Church History down pat yet when it comes to this incident.


New Member
All that needs to be said is put the same standards and mercy on you as was given Serevtus by Calvin. You would be a distant memory. Thankfully, in our nation today, we are not ruled by barbarians that you glorify.


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There are some posters who insist on speading untruths in order to further their cause (whatever that may be).

For instance Heir of Salvation claims" there were numerous reformers and church-men(many who knew Calvin) who spoke strongly against his [Calvin's] actions and policies,and was VERY aware of them."

Name them please. But some of the most notable:Melanchthon,Bullinger,Knox,Farel,Bucer and Beza supported him in the Servetus affair.

HoS also says that " Luther decried Calvin's actions for example."

Sat/Nep said Calvin "had many tortured and executed."

Where is his evidence? I have poured over Schaff,Wiley,Parker,McGrath and other Calvin authorities and have found no evidence whatsoever for S/N's incredible lies and slanderous charges.

In Paris between the years 1547 and 1550 thirty-nine people were burned to death for heresy. But Paris and Geneva are not the same place,may I say!

In Alister E. McGrath's book :A Life of Calvin the author points out:

"Nor is it entirely clear why the affair should be thought of as demonstrating anything monstrous concerning Calvin. His tacit support for the capital penalty for offences such as heresy which he (and his contemporaries) regarded as serious makes him little more than a child of his age,rather than an outrageous exception to its standards. Post-Enlightenment writers have every right to rotest against the cruelty of earlier generations;to single out Calvin for particular criticism,however,suggests a selectivity approaching victimization. to target him in this way --when the manner of his involvement was,to say the least,oblique --and overlook the much greater claims to infamy of other individuals and institutions raises difficult questions concerning the precommitments of his critics. Servetus was the only individual put to death for his religios opinions in Geneva during Calvin's lifetime,at a time when executions of this nature were commonplace elsewhere." (115,116)

Still no evidence to submit by Calvin's accusers. Tell the truth now boys.


New Member
Still no evidence to submit by Calvin's accusers. Tell the truth now boys.
Pride goes before the fall. Have you gotten up yet? So, the thing is, the evidence is clear, about Calvin, and the concept of the universal church. Of course, if I started a thread that said the Sky is Blue, you would argue it is green.

It is obvious your heart lies with eccumenical and RCC dogma. If Catholic theology is too deep for your intellect, I would suggest joining a charasmatic/Pentecostal/SDA type church.


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the evidence is clear, about Calvin,

Your understanding is about as clear as mud.

and the concept of the universal church.

You are confused again. You are on the wrong thread.

It is obvious your heart lies with eccumenical and RCC dogma. If Catholic theology is too deep for your intellect, I would suggest joining a charasmatic/Pentecostal/SDA type church.

The above is typical sat/Nep drivel. Do you ever say anything constructive? Just the other day you said that I share your theological view;now the above twaddle.


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The following quote is from Sinclair Ferguson in the forwards to a book of daily readings :John Calvin :Heart Aflame.

"There is something even more striking about Calvin's exposition. Modern scholars and preachers endeavor to expound the message of the Bible, and preach on or about the Bible. But Calvin seems to come to us from within the Bible, from inside the reality described in the text. He had learned the meaning of the command to love God 'with all your mind." The result was that God's Word had begun to dwell in him richly (Col.3:16),and he learned to live his life from within it." (p.v11)


New Member
Your understanding is about as clear as mud.

You are confused again. You are on the wrong thread.

The above is typical sat/Nep drivel. Do you ever say anything constructive? Just the other day you said that I share your theological view;now the above twaddle.
Twaddle and drivel, why don't you speak American English. Really not interested in your Kings English.
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