From Courtenay Studies In Reformation Theology :John Calvin. The following is from the first chapter by Basil Hall called The Calvin Legend.
Here are some of Basil Hall's thoughts in the second chapter:
"Calvin is unjustly treated if he is thought of as a dominating personality wilfully imposing his arbitarily defined views on those who were compelled to listen to them. His works show a remarkably self-effacing quality...which is especially shown in the rarity of his references to himself and his own experiences;always he points from himself to Scripture,to Christ,to the church. It would be unjust to understand his theology as a system in the old scholastic sense, for Calvin would have regarded system-making as an all too human intellectual arrogance. Yet so fresh and profound were his theological insights,given with the lucid precision evident in all his writings,that the major themes of his thought, and the way they were articulated,must for want of a descriptive term be called 'Calvinism'." (pgs.20,21)