....8 I'm not a member of the Labour Party, so your assertion is inaccurate Nope: firstly, I'm not 'hard-left' and disagree with Corbyn on some issue; I am more akin to a European-style Social Democrat with some Attlee-an 'Welfare Statism' thorwn in. Secondly, I am not anti-American, just largely in powerful disagreement with the proportion of the population who voted for the current POTUS
The only other alternative was the crooked Hillary Clinton, a congenital liar. Trump is not his past as a social liberal. He is an old man now. He is trying to save the West. If the UK wants to slide downward, then Eastern Europe does not. The UK cannot afford a welfare state and a welfare state will bankrupt the UK, as it has the USA, now saddled with a huge national debt.
Do you know Christopher Steele?