Please, stick to the Scripture. I gave you Scripture. Please deal with it. So I'll ask you again. What does the Bible itself say the Gospel is?
I'll tackle that one.
The first time we find the word is Matthew 4:23 and it is the subject of Christ's very first sermon. It consisted of, according to verse 17, this: Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
He was saying, "Change your mind or your way of thinking because the King has come." Change your mind about who rules in this world and this universe- this is the idea.
Verse 23 says it is the "Gospel of the Kingdom", namely that the King (ruler) is nigh. This is lordship of course.
According to Matthew 24:14 This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all nations before the end can come.
The Gospel is tied to the Kingdom and King Jesus. It is the good news that Jesus is King of Kings and Lords of Lords.
Now, I know what passage you are referring to: I Corinthians 15. These things illustrate that Jesus is Lord. He is Lord even over the grave. This must be confessed to enter heaven.
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