I'm looking forward to reading the responses on this thread.
A loved one and I recently had a discussion involving salvation. And to be honest with you, I got a little frustrated at his skepticism, but then again. A point that I never really thought about came up and I did not know how to respond to such because I could not see how something could be possible, even though I'm sure it is...Ive just never encountered it, or experienced it the way he tried to illustrate.
So he doesnt believe in onced saved always saved. (i'm going to make this long story short with just key points)..He doesn't see how "God can force someone to stay saved if that person no longer wants to". The example given was someone who is saved...sincerely asking Jesus into his heart... and then later on down the line, turns his back on Jesus and becomes atheist...He believes a person can lose their salvation
I personally do not see how someone can truly believe..and then suddenly not believe..although I'm sure somehow outside of my realm of understanding, it is possible.
My explanations included,
if salvation was able to be lost then Jesus died in vain,
Even when you stray or turn away, the Lord will not give up on your and will bring you back him (in which his response is..what if you die before He brings you back to him)..
Romans 8:38 states that nothing can take the love of God away from you
I used the example of Peter, how he went from loving the Lord, to rejecting that he knew him 3 times
But anyway, how would you respond to someone who says that? I've never thought about someone becoming atheists after salvation (i've always seen situations where its the other way around)..
If you have biblical support, for either stand, I'd love to read it
Id tell him to go join the Salvation Army....cause thats how they think...lol. Actually its a fundamental denial of the Doctrine of Regeneration. Youd have to work from that pretext & teach him the whole Doctrines of Grace. That takes time, commitment & the HS which he probably doesn't have.