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Love wins

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Baptist Believer

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Oh boy Benjamin, you've really hit one of my pet peeves with these so-called quotes.

If we are going to have ANY integrity as Christians, we need to repent of these lies and accusations and deal with others in truth and honesty. Sadly though, I've learned over and over that truth is often not welcome among Christians, especially when it is not popular. It is much easier to not take a stand and shout "Barabbas" with the crowd.

Here's one of the classic misrepresentations of Rob Bell:
A couple of quotes from Bell:"What if tomorrow someone digs up definitive proof that Jesus had a real, earthly, biological father named Larry, and archeologists find Larry’s tomb and do DNA samples and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the virgin birth was really just a bit of mythologizing the Gospel writers threw in to appeal to the followers of the Mithra and Dionysian religious cults that were hugely popular at the time of Jesus, whose gods had virgin births?

But what if, as you study the origin of the word “virgin” you discover that the word “virgin” in the gospel of Matthew actually comes from the book of Isaiah, and then you find out that in the Hebrew language at that time, the word “virgin” could mean several things. And what if you discover that in the first century being “born of a virgin” also referred to a child whose mother became pregnant the first time she had intercourse?"
-Velvet Elvis, p. 26

This quote was completely ripped out of the context of Bell describing how some people build their theology in such a way that a single bit of new information could devastate their faith. (What precedes this illustration is a man he heard on video who claimed that if one didn't believe that God created with universe in six 24-hours days, "then you are denying that Jesus that Jesus ever died on the cross."

Literally the seventh sentence after Benjamin's quote, Bell writes, "I affirm the Christian faith, which includes the virgin birth and the Trinity and the inspiration of the Bible and much more."-Velvet Elvis, p. 27

So this quote is being used dishonestly to portray Bell in a negative light. Now you may disagree with the point he is trying to make (which has nothing to do with the virgin birth), but no one has the right to portray him as rejecting the virgin birth.

I'm going to assume Benjamin found this quote online somewhere and let that person do the thinking for him instead of checking things out for himself.

This is just one example of why I have an inherent suspicion of the "discernment" websites all over the internet. For the last 25 years I have discovered that a shocking number of times when I check sources, I find that so-called Christians either have a fundamental problem with reading comprehension or they are simply making false accusations because they don't like someone.

Let's move on to the second incredibly dishonest quote.

What Benjamin (or the person he stole the quote from) doesn't tell you is that Bell has just told the story of Peter walking on water toward Jesus. In that context, the following quote reads very differently than the way it was presented. Furthermore, the quote makes ample use of ellipses to ensure that you don't understand the point that Bell is trying to make. You should refer back to Benjamin's original post if you want to see the stark difference. I have restored the missing parts in bold type:
If you are a disciple, you have committed your entire life to being like your rabbi. If you see your rabbi walk on water, what do you immediately want to do? Walk on water.

So this disciple gets out on the water and he starts to sink, so he yells, "Jesus save me!"

And Jesus say, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?"

Who does Peter lose faith in?

Not Jesus; Jesus is doing fine. (Bell was misquoted here)

Peter loses faith in himself.

Peter loses faith that he can do what his rabbi is doing.

If the rabbi calls you to be his disciple, then he believes that you can actually be like him. As we read the stories of Jesus’ life with his talmidim, his disciples, what do we find frustrates him to no end? When his disciples lose faith in themselves.

He even says to them at one point, "You did not choose me, but I chose you."

The entire rabbinical system was based on the rabbit having faith in his disciples.

Let's spend some time here, because the implications of this truth are astounding. A rabbi would only pick a disciple who he thought could actually do what he was doing.
Notice how many places in the accounts of Jesus’ life he gets frustrated with his disciples. Because they are incapable? No, because of how capable they are. He sees what they could be and could do, and when they fall short, it provokes him to no end. It isn’t their failure that’s the problem, it’s their greatness. They don’t realize what they are capable of.

So at the end of his time with his disciples, Jesus has some final words for them. He tells them to go to the ends of the earth and make more disciples. And then he leaves. He promised to send his Spirit to guide them and give them power, but Jesus himself leaves the future of the movement in their hands. And he doesn't stick around to make sure they don't screw it up. He's gone. He trusts that they can actually do it.

God has an amazingly high view of people. God believes that people are capable of amazing things.

I’ve been told I need to believe in Jesus. Which is a good thing. But what I’m learning is that God has faith in me. (This line was badly misquoted.)

The rabbi thinks we can be like him.
-Velvet Elvis, pp. 133-134

I know these "quotes" are all over the internet, and frequently cited as if they are the gospel truth. But that is no excuse to simply repeat what you find.

Of course very few Christians have the integrity or concern for truth to actually check things out for themselves. And that's disgraceful for people who claim Jesus (One who declared Himself to be Truth) as their Lord!
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I was in the Local Lifeway bookstore Saturday and inquired if they would have Rob Bells book Tuesday. Their reply way "no but we will order it for anyone who wishes a copy". I plan on reading it along with my pastor. Out of curiosity how many of you brothers and sisters plan on reading it?

All the more reason the SBC needs to cut ties with Lifeway.


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Baptist Believer,

You really need to watch your mouth questioning my integrity and suggesting I am not wanting the truth! First, I have been searching for information about Bell since I heard other's talking about his new book and seen his video which I find appalling, I've seen those quotes in several places WITH the page numbers and had no reason to doubt any part of them. Second, concerning the context I still don't like want Bell has to say regardless of some of the context being left out and believe he talks out of both sides of his mouth while basically denying what he just said. I DON"T expect someone to quote a whole page but to to show what the man is preaching. SO WHAT IF HE FINISHES WITH A SHORT LINE SAYING HE CONFIRMS THE CHRISTIAN FAITH WHICH INCLUDES THE VIRGIN BIRTH, HE JUST GOT DONE CASTING NOTHING BUT DOUBT ON IT!!! Third, I heard the video with my own ears; DO YOU NOT SEEEEE THE MO THIS MAN USES...HE FINISHES HIS HERETICAL SONGS AND DANCES WITH DENYING WHAT HE JUST SAID!!! MANY credible theologians are on to his new age Universalist suggestions and also that he denies it with empty words!

You ticked me off buddy with those empty accusations, but I expect nothing else from someone able to hide behind a key board like a coward to act that way instead of asking me if I even knew some of the context was removed.

BTW BB, what does "..." mean to you?! Look at the quote again and make your false claim about dishonesty in leaving out context!
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Baptist Believer

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Baptist Believer,

You really need to watch your mouth questioning my integrity and suggesting I am not wanting the truth!
Please note that I said you probably lifted the quotes from someone else.

I apologize for coming off a bit strong, but this is a very serious issue of making false charges against a brother in Christ.

First, I have been searching for information about Bell since I heard other's talking about his new book and seen his video which I find appalling, I've seen those quotes in several places WITH the page numbers and had no reason to doubt any part of them.
I believe you. However, as several of us have pointed out in previous posts, Bell is often vilified based on inaccurate/dishonest reporting regarding his writings.

Second, concerning the context I still don't like want Bell has to say regardless of some of the context being left out...
How do you know whether or not you like what he has to say if you don't read Bell in context? You're simply relying on other people to do your thinking for you.

...and believe he talks out of both sides of his mouth while basically denying what he just said.
But you really don't know. You haven't read it for yourself. He's not really dealing with the virgin birth at all. He's making another point.

No he didn't. I didn't quote the whole section, but you can probably find the whole section online. If you like, I can quote the section in question so you could read it in context, but I don't think there would be any end of quoting and we would start getting into a questionable area of copyright infringement.

Third, I heard the video with my own ears; DO YOU NOT SEEEEE THE MO THIS MAN USES...HE FINISHES HIS HERETICAL SONGS AND DANCES WITH DENYING WHAT HE JUST SAID!!! MANY credible theologians are on to his new age Universalist suggestions and also that he denies it with empty words!
I'm waiting to read his book and then watch the video. The issue in question is not his video, but what you quoted.

You ticked me off buddy with those empty accusations...
Hardly empty accusations... I documented the issues.

...but I expect nothing else from someone able to hide behind a key board like a coward to act that way instead of asking me if I even knew some of the context was removed.
Not a coward either.

I explicitly stated:

I'm going to assume Benjamin found this quote online somewhere and let that person do the thinking for him instead of checking things out for himself.

And that's exactly what happened.

Whether or not you and I agree with Mr. Bell is irrelevant to our duty to speak the truth and not make charges against people without being certain they are true.


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I'm waiting to read his book and then watch the video. The issue in question is not his video, but what you quoted.

Ohh, but the video is in question and is the reason why I started checking him out.

Hardly empty accusations... I documented the issues.

No, you ignored the little "..." and went off talking of dishonesty.

Not a coward either.

I explicitly stated:

I'm going to assume Benjamin found this quote online somewhere and let that person do the thinking for him instead of checking things out for himself.

Your pride is based off of meaningless rhetoric since the quotes clearly included "..."

And that's exactly what happened.

Just showed you are mistaken.

Whether or not you and I agree with Mr. Bell is irrelevant to our duty to speak the truth and not make charges against people without being certain they are true.

Best you heed that advice. BTW, the quotes I presented were without comment.


New Member
It used to be the Sunday school board. Its scope and purpose as evolved over the years to what it is now. It is not going anywhere anytime fast.

Yes, I knew that. I lived in Nashville 31 years. I thought you meant there was something sinister in their past. :tongue3:


New Member
Yes, I knew that. I lived in Nashville 31 years. I thought you meant there was something sinister in their past. :tongue3:

No..it was suggested that the convention needed to separate from lifeway. Its not going to happen.


New Member
No..it was suggested that the convention needed to separate from lifeway. Its not going to happen.

They surely sell some questionable stuff these days. I used to go the Board in downtown Nashville on my lunch break and I could trust the products they sold. That was important for a young Christian. Now you'd better have good discernment before you make a purchase there.


New Member
They surely sell some questionable stuff these days. I used to go the Board in downtown Nashville on my lunch break and I could trust the products they sold. That was important for a young Christian. Now you'd better have good discernment before you make a purchase there.

I don't disagree


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Couple of thoughts from this thread...

1. From what I've read and seen in the text Bell has presented it does have some redeeming qualities. His discussions about the nature of Heaven are helpful from a pastoral level. This book isn't written to be a scholarly piece, but more of an exploration of major questions people in his (and my) ministry legitimately have. I can appreciate some parts of the book.

2. Bell isn't a universalist. That much is clear imho. He lies in a kind of soft inclusivism, the belief that while Jesus is the means whereby people are given atonement for their sins though some will end up in Heaven though they followed a different religion. I'm not an inclusivist or universalist. Bell does believe in a Hell, and that real people end up there. His view of Hell is, for some, a purgatory view than an eternal or even annihilationist view. (Though I think he is also an annihilationist after the Great White Throne Judgment.)

3. It is a cheap shot to say that his theology is the end result of any exploration of a theological system that is different than reformed theology.

4. We need to read and type quotes in their full context. Bell affirms many things, on this one I think he's wrong. But I also think his position is what a lot of people in our pews and chairs on Sunday hold to, albeit tacitly.


New Member
This author much like the author of the book called "The Shack" have credibility problems. They make short declarations that are in direct conflict with much of their books. They both use vague and unclear means to project questions that lead ideas toward unscriptural positions.

As far as "Love Wins" goes the publisher made clear Bell's intent.

Alive in Christ

New Member
Regarding Bell, and his theology, I tend to give people the benefit of the dought as long as I can, untill I just cant anymore.

Bells flippant attitude regarding people considering Ghandi to be in hell (in the liked video) certainly doesnt help his standing in my mind.

Of course, we cant *defintively* declare Ghandi as being in hell, as the possibility exists that Ghandi placed his faith in Christ moments before he died.

But I think its reasonable to assume that Ghandi more then likely did not do that.

And if that is true...and it probably is...Ghandi is indeed in hell.

And Bell should know that, and be willing to acknowledge that as probably being true.
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New Member
Used to be Baptist Book Store, now extremely liberal and no discernment in the books they carry.

This sort of comment really has no purpose, and crosses the scriptural line toward gossip and slander. It is patently obvious that you have an ax to grind with someone.

I know, personally, many of the leaders of LifeWay, and they are good men who care deeply for the things of God. They are working hard to bring a wide range of products to the marketplace that do not reflect any ONE perspective. To do otherwise is to make a judgment about every other book, a task best left to the individual reader.
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