bapmom, you believe Christ would rather someone be...Its not that God would rather have someone be unsaved.....its that I believe God would rather have His child either completely ignore Him rather than have that child claim to be a Christian and then live a hypocritical life in front of unbelievers.
than...The cold Christian is one who has "successfully" blocked the Holy Spirit's voice so much that he can't really hear it anymore. He doesn't even try to be close to Christ, and very often the world doesn't know who he is.
?The lukewarm Christian is one who has lost his zeal for Christ. This does not mean he isn't saved.
I find this not only hard to believe, but nearly impossible as that would go against God's nature. The parable of the prodical son would most resemble God's relationship to the true Christian who has lost his zeal. Remember, the father did not "vomit" his son upon his return, but embraced him warmly.