To the contrary, Brother, I suggest it's most of the "futurist" views that are make believe. The only part that any "futurist" interpretation has correct is the future 2nd Coming of Christ. Scriptural support for futurist views is based on misinterpretations of the Bible, and largely on presuppositions that this view MUST be correct. This, in turn, is largely because the "futurist" views have been so ingrained into the Church since the early 19th Century.
From the time I was saved in 1978 until the about 1991, I wasn't even aware there were any other "end times" views. I didn't know what eschatology was - heck, I had never come across that word. I'd always looked for the Rapture to be around 1988 (40 years after Israel became a nation). When that "prophecy" failed, my doubts about this view began. Okay, so maybe the Rapture would happen around 2007 (40 years after the 6 Day War). When this too failed to happen, I was convinced that there must be another answer.
I finally found that answer in the Preterist view. I had never heard of the Jewish Wars, nor of the AD 70 Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Having realized my "end times" views were wrong, I learned to study Scripture from a different context. What was the author trying to say? How did the original audience understand his message? Eureka!!! It was as if I was reading prophecies for the first time. I had to "un-learn" the "make believe" eschatological views that have invaded our culture. If you will pardon the pun, those "futurist" views are now "Left Behind"
