Baptized as an Adult, Id just like all my sins of the past to be cleansed and i just wanna start over God has helped me threw addiction and ive been caught up in Lust for so long still working on that its very tough and ive just felt the wieght of my own sin i repented and just felt like it was lifted from off my shoulders i asked for Jesus to set up camp in my heart and the Father to give me knowledge so that I may know him and i havent been to church in a while i wanna get plugged back in i do bible studys everyday and it seems like when he gave me a new heart one positioned to know him its like my hunger was his Word and I wanna be able to put hands on the sick and threw his stripes they will be healed i just wanna give it all and never look back because Jesus has done so much for me but its hard when i get tempted everyday by smoking and drinking and lust if u guys could pray for me it would be kind and appreciated