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Marian Apparitions

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The Biblicist

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You don't get it! His "ACT" was rejected, repudiated by Abraham. Not only was it REJECTED and REPUDIATED it was CORRECTED by explicitly stating what "THEY HAVE" been provided for that purpose - THE WORD OF GOD.

Don't see it! Where is it?

I have already responded to your post.

Got to go run errands and so if I don't respond it is because I am not here.


Yes - that is the Greek word for worship used in scripture. Yet people in different venaculars over the centuries have different uses - to ask - and to worship. And there is where you drop the ball with Catholic Theology. They go back to the first century. In in any language, over time they've had different applications of the word "pray" and if you look at those applications, you will see that prayer CAN be used to ask, as in asking for the intercesion of a saint, OR prayer can be used in worship which is given ONLY to God.

Here are few additional Greek words that you might want to know:

Dulia: (Greek doulia; Latin servitus), a theological term signifying the honour paid to the saints
Hyperdulia: the veneration offered to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Latria: means worship given to God alone

I guess I would understand that a bit more if you could point me to examples of Jesus or the Apostle Paul using English. :rolleyes:

And those "few additional Greek words" where are they in the Bible?
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Active Member
I would not want to trade places with you when you get to Heaven and come face to face with the Blessed Virgin Mary and find out that she really is the Queen of Heaven. Wow! You might even have to bow to her. So humiliating! And how will you explain to her that you called her a demon? :eek:

You express the epitome of false teaching about Mary, and further prove worship of Mary, akin to those doing so in the "apparitions".

Your doctrine is filled with fairy tales, and you use your extra biblical fairy tales to rebuke others.


New Member
I guess I would understand that a bit more if you could point me to examples of Jesus or the Apostle Paul using English.

Righhhht.... :rolleyes:

And those "few additional Greek words" where are they in the Bible?

They're not in the Bible, just as the Trinity, Hypostatic union, alter calls, etc. That's one reason why I don't use the Bible as my only source - the other is because the Bible never says such a thing about itself. Here we go off topic again.

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Bro. Curtis

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While the word "trinity" does not appear, there is biblical evidence that the Holy Spirit is equal with God the Father, and God the Son. So what if people call it a trinity ?

Second, I have managed to turn 50, and the first I have heard of this union is from you ? Why do you keep bringing it up ? Ok, it's not in scripture. Again, so what ?

I await your rude reply.

P.S. Yes, the bible DOES say we can trust it. You guys interpret that in a way that benefits only the RCC, but that's nobody's fault but yours.


New Member
I could care less what the traditions of men teach. I could care less what how the English Dictionary defines "prayer." I could care less how the Catholic church perverts the Biblical langauge

There are GENERIC terms used for prayer that are used for non-prayer and so these cannot be used to prove that prayer is being offered in regard to men conversing with men..

"...Generic terms that are prayer that are used for non-prayer..."
What load of gobbledygook!

None of these terms are comprehensive of prayer made unto God but deal with aspects that are common to other non-prayer applications. Hence, they are moot.

We have a phrase for that attidiude here in AL. but I won't stoop that low. Suffice it to say that you are obviously dancing around the issue because you cannot address it on its face.

There is a Biblical Greek term "proseuchomai" which is the most common and most repeated term in the New Testament which is inclusive of all aspects of genuine prayer (asking, giving thanks, adoration, etc.) and it is NEVER ONCE EVER used to address anyone but God.

Well, I just proved from several sources that you are simply and utterly wrong. You see, I don't hold to the man-made doctrine holding scripture alone is the sole rule of faith, because it never says that about itself. Therefore, this is a problem for you - not for me. Hey - it's not my doctrine.


Bro. Curtis

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OK, so I looked up your union.

The Bible states Jesus was fully God.
The Bible states Jesus was fully human.

Sounds like somebody applied a scientific term to it, to help the smart people, I guess.

Big, fat, hairy deal. These are reaches, to equate somebody putting a name to something that is CLEARLY in scripture, with extra-biblical hocus-pocus.

Bro. Curtis

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And how's come you don't "honor" Mary's mother ?

Oh, right, she really didn't have one, did she ?

Tell me about Mary's birth, again.


New Member
While the word "trinity" does not appear, there is biblical evidence that the Holy Spirit is equal with God the Father, and God the Son. So what if people call it a trinity ?

Second, I have managed to turn 50, and the first I have heard of this union is from you ? Why do you keep bringing it up ? Ok, it's not in scripture. Again, so what ?

I await your rude reply.

Now, why am I not surprised that someone who has been around so long when encountering a new phrase, is too intellectually lazy as to not want to Google the thing?... Ok I'll humor you.

Hypostatic union (from the Greek: ὑπόστασις, {"[h]upostasis"}, "hypostasis", sediment, foundation, substance, or subsistence) is a technical term in Christian theology employed in mainstream Christology to describe the union of Christ's humanity and divinity in one hypostasis.[3]

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypostatic_union (I normally don't trust Wikipedia, but this is such common knowledge...)

So in your Christian theology you never heard that Christ was both fully man and fully God? Hmmm.... Perhaps you don't believe that.

P.S. Yes, the bible DOES say we can trust it. You guys interpret that in a way that benefits only the RCC, but that's nobody's fault but yours.

Why of course we can trust it. It's the fallible interpretations of humans that cause the problem. That's why Church history is so important.


Bro. Curtis

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Now, why am I not surprised that someone who has been around so long when encountering a new phrase, is too intellectually lazy as to not want to Google the thing?... Ok I'll humor you.

Hypostatic union (from the Greek: ὑπόστασις, {"[h]upostasis"}, "hypostasis", sediment, foundation, substance, or subsistence) is a technical term in Christian theology employed in mainstream Christology to describe the union of Christ's humanity and divinity in one hypostasis.[3]

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypostatic_union (I normally don't trust Wikipedia, but this is such common knowledge...)

So in your Christian theology you never heard that Christ was both fully man and fully God? Hmmm.... Perhaps you don't believe that.

Why of course we can trust it. It's the fallible interpretations of humans that cause the problem. That's why Church history is so important.


Yer late. Looked it up and commented, already.


New Member
I don't think much RCC doctrine is being spread. It's being fought off quite well.

This is supposed to be a thought provoking discussion on the OP. As far as I can tell, no doctrine is being spread only explained when mischaracterized. Thus there's nothing to fight off. If you want to do that kind of thing, go to a Catholic forum.


Bro. Curtis

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Aw, c'mon. It should be the same coming from you as every other catholic I've ever heard it from.
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