What you end up with is the fullness of the truth. For example, do you not take culture into account when reading the scripture? What about history? According to Sola Scriptura scripture is the SOLE authority, yet it never says that about itself.
I'm not disputing scripture as truth and as tthe word of God; yet I also understand that people have a tendency to embellish the meaning of scripture to suit there own beliefs and ends. I guess you could call me a prima-scriptura kind-of-a-guy.
I am sure you have heard my testimony many times.
I am a missionary. I go to third world nations, often Muslim nations. The culture is vastly different. I must take into account the culture. But the Bible is always the same. We read the English Bible, and if need be it is translated into their language. That doesn't change the meaning or the message. The Bible still becomes the sole authority. They still learn about the kings, the land of Canaan, the judges, the time of Christ, and all there is to know. What do you think the Great Commission is all about?
What does the Bible say about itself.
Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word,
it is because
there is no light in them.
Study to show yourselves approved...
Search the Scriptures...
He that readeth...
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth...
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy Word.
Teach them all things whatsoever I have commanded you.
The Word was the guideline. It was set to see if anything was true or false.
That is the way the Bereans used it in Acts 17:11. It was their sole authority. 2Tim.3:16 makes the claim that it is the inspired word of God. No other book is inspired as the Bible is inspired. Thus it is our guideline, our authority.
When you say SOLE, I mean FINAL authority, as in final authority in all matters of faith and practice. Certainly it cannot be the only authority in Math and science, those things which it does not teach. Yet at the same time I don't believe that science contradicts that which the Bible has to say.