Thanks for your input.
The Scripture is, of course, wonderful. However, the question is not whether or not we should preach the Gospel, but how can we preach it to every person on earth as per Mark's GC.
I believe that technological advances, in God's providence, can help us do this: cell phones, other recording or playback devices, the Internet, radio, TV, etc.l
When I went to Africa this past Spring, I took with me recording devices, bought cheaply at Walmart, which are being used to record our oral Bible translation effort. Paul would have surely used such devices!
Yes...sorry my intent in the first post was not clear.
I do not oppose certain technology, and you list them.
Like with anything else.....they can be used for good or evil purposes......
Well meaning Christians perhaps make movies, or try and illustrate and convey biblical truth......but these "short cuts" can also be perverted by cults and false teachers.....
the fact that counterfeit teaching happens should not keep us from being obedient...
The use of the word by God raising up locals, nationals, from whatever place on earth...where they already have the language is going to perhaps be a repeatable pattern that then can be broadcast perhaps by radio to reach the masses....
I think recently of a missionary family that struggled to acquire language capacity[ Spanish]....and if I understand did not happen the way we would like it to......It is nice that they attempted to serve God this way....but my thought was....why when we have so many bi language people already equipped who speak Spanish fluently does a couple seek to do this?
There are other groups[ other languages] that we do not have bilingual people perhaps a focus could look into this ....
This would take some of the most gifted servants, who have the capacity to acquire language skills.
The issue seems to be getting trained pastors who can over see local men and give the theological oversight needed to form stable local assemblies.
While we are commanded to Go
.....perhaps we have not done enough God is bringing those people here, illegal aliens, persecuted persons....even those who intend to destroy the west,[terrorists}.
One question we must face is are we equipped to deal with those who are different from us,different cultures, races, worldviews, as we find them here?
Or do we avoid them because they are different from us and we are not quite "comfortable " with that difference?
You and others were sent by God to distant places.....but we are all sent to someone each day, if we are vessels fit for the masters use.
If we do not cultivate an outward focus will not manifest itself out there.....
God has an eternal outward focus that is worldwide;
51 And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation;
52 And not for that nation only, but that also he should
gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad