New Member
I hope you enjoy your retreat, but unless it offers Jesus and salvation by grace and grace alone it is not evangelistic.
Well, I've shown that to be patently false before.
Salvation is Jesus plus nothing... not Jesus plus sacraments, not Jesus plus baptism/sprinkling/whatever, not Jesus plus praying to saints. If it is not Jesus alone it is not salvation.
Of course it's Jesus who by his life, death, and resurrection made atonement for our sins. However, God set up Baptism as a vehicle to his grace. Again - I've shown you this before directly from scripture.
Mary is the mother (small "m") of Jesus. God has no mother. While Jesus is a part of the triune Godhead, Mary is nothing more than a woman who bore the Son of God. She is not the "Mother of God" in that she is elevated in any respect other than being willing.
No one (in their right mind at least) could believe that Mary existed eternally with the Trinity. However, the term "Mother of God" is appropriate none-the-less.
1.) Mary was a creature created by God.
2.) Mary was blessed above all other women
3.) Mary was the mother of Jesus
4.) Jesus was both fully God and fully man
5.) Thus, Mary IS the mother of God
Is it a mystery? Yes... Can we wrap our feeble human minds around it? No... no more than we can we truly understand the Trinity.
I'm curious - do you deny point #4 above?
Venerating her is to worship someone other than God.
Praying is not necessarily synonymous with worship. It's all about ones intent.
When you learn the difference, then we can talk. (Just kidding - I couldn't resist)
snip... just as praying to dead "saints" is doing the same thing.
Those in Heaven are not dead, but fully alive – more so than anyone on Earth.
Mark 12:27 "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living."
God bless you!