We say God is eternal, that is, without beginning or ending. In the same discussion, we say He has a mother, immaculate and worthy of veneration--to some point anyway, as promulgated by the current conclave of the appropriate magisterium and most right reverend Doctors of Dogma. Can a little child understand? Why?
In as much as The Virgin Birth is a unique event, why do we try to describe it in a clinical way--kind of in a test tube.
We are still trying to figure out if Adam had a navel, not having had a mother. If Adam had no navel, what about Eve? Does this mean Jesus had a navel. If He did, who was the one who cut the umbilical cord--a immaculate midwife? Would such a saint not be worthy of special adoration for having helped God get into this old(maybe not old) world which He created(Jesus is also creator--before His mother). Aristotle would have had trouble with that one too.
Why do we strive to come up with new ways of worship of God--in our flesh? Such are vain, doctrines of men, an utter waste of effort. It is all going to melt with fervent heat.
Even so, come Lord Jesus.