Michael Wrenn
New Member
They have done just that! Some of them are already far down that road and are on record as stating that Jesus was not fully God and fully human in Mary's womb. I have saved those posts so that the next time I'm accused of blasphemy or heresy by these people it will be a good time to bring up their own denial of the Deity of Christ while He was in the Blessed Mother's womb. They have dug themselves in good! One says Jesus only aquired Deity AT His birth (a form of Adoptionism) others say Mary DID NOT bear Jesus Deity while He was in the womb, claiming that if you say that you are claiming Mary created God and even when that is clearly explained as NOT what 'God Bearer' (Theotokos) means, they keep insisting Mary only bore Christ's humanity, separating out His two natures.
Yes, indeed. The accusers have been impaled on the very words of their own accusations and false charges against some of us here. It's wondrous to see how God works.