Can you cite the passage where that
direct quote is please?
May I ask?
- Do you believe the words of the rosary that Mary can pray for you and that her prayers make you worthy?
- Do you believe the words of the rosary that Mary is our is your advocate and can show mercy to you?
- Do you believe the words of the rosary that Mary is the Holy Queen?
- Do you believe that Mary was a perpetual virgin?
These are the teachings of the rosary. Where is their scriptural documentation?
Do you have a problem with meditating on any of the following?
1. The Baptism of Jesus
2. The first miracle at the wedding in Cana.
3. Jesus's words about the Kingdom of God.
4. Jesus's transfiguration.
5. Jesus sacrifice at the Last Supper.
6. The angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she would carry the Redeemer.
7. The day that Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth.
8. The birth of Jesus
9.The day Jesus was brought to the Temple after He was born.
10. The time Jesus was found by His parents in the Temple.
11. Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane.
12. The scourging of Jesus.
13. Jesus crowned with thorns.
14. Jesus carrying His cross.
15. The crucifixion of Jesus.
16. The resurrection of Jesus.
17. Jesus's ascension into heaven.
18. The descent of the Holy Spirit.
So there we have it, 18 times where the emphasis of the prayer is on Jesus Christ, His coming, and the Holy Spirit - all taken directly from the Scriptures. The 19th mystery is the Assumption of the Blessed Mother which orthodoxy teaches and I assume you would wholeheartedly reject and then the 20th, where direct from Revelation 12, 1 the Church has interpreted as Mary, Queen of Heaven.