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Masonry It Really Is A Religion

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Forever Settled

Active Member
Not all of them. This is what I am asking for - proof that all masons worship Satan.

What? are free masons not worth saving? If not why not?

Were you not a slave to sin at one time?

You have it explicitly from their OWN publications.....thats why I use theirs....I didn’t write them.

Im glad you admit masons need Bibical salvation . So making excuses for them like you have been doing is NOT what they need they need the gospel preached to them.

Christians need to stop being enablers for masons .

Forever Settled

Active Member
Satan, as an enemy of God and his Kingdom, as an evil power seeking to tempt, deceive and destroy, does not exist. Mankind has merely “supposed” this. The usual Christian perception of Satan is merely a distortion of truth about Lucifer, “the Light Bearer,” who is actually good and the instrument of liberty, but generally misunderstood and maligned.
“Lucifer, the Light Bearer! Strange and Mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with all its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” (Albert Pike, “Morals and Dogma,” 19th Degree, p.321)

Men who Pastor churches have been taught the above.


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You have it explicitly from their OWN publications.....thats why I use theirs....I didn’t write them.

Im glad you admit masons need Bibical salvation . So making excuses for them like you have been doing is NOT what they need they need the gospel preached to them.

Christians need to stop being enablers for masons .
where have I made excuses for them?

Where have I enabled them?

Almost every time I have spoken of or to them here and elsewhere I have spoken to them of their need.

I follow Paul's pattern and give credit where credit is due then speak the scripture to them. Check my posts again.
On the whole i have done as I say.

You have judged me unfairly.


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Check the post again.
I did as I said.
I gave credit where credit is due and then I told them of their need.
Having said that : Masonry is supposedly a light in this world,
However there is competition.

John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Hebrews 1:1 God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets,
2 has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds;


You sir are unfair in your judgment.

Forever Settled

Active Member
You sir are unfair in your judgment.

No sir I’m not..... you said this :

“Having said that : Masonry is supposedly a light in this world,
However there is competition.”

Christ has NO competition.....the lodge worships lucifer....or so THEIR publications proclaim unashamedly .


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No sir I’m not..... you said this :

“Having said that : Masonry is supposedly a light in this world,
However there is competition.”

Christ has NO competition.....the lodge worships lucifer....or so THEIR publications proclaim unashamedly .
You are wrong about many many Masons.

Having been involved in Masonry I know you are wrong.
There are many who are ignorant of their false worship.

My words "There is competition" are to those Masons who are still seeking truth.

You failed to show the scripture that follows my statement showing exactly what you claim and we both believe -
there is no competition.

I have used these scriptures and entered into discussions of the truth with Masons, Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, atheists, agnostics, Protestants, etc...

In fact in the past I have gone door-to-door witnessing with my pastor ( I was the assistant pastor) in the Boston metro area. And it was fruitful.

We did this for several years. He was a former Mason, a master mason of the third degree.

I am not afraid to challenge Satan for the Lord. We had one former mason become an elder (we had deacons and elders).


Not all of them. This is what I am asking for - proof that all masons worship Satan.
I did not see any mention of the worship of Satan in your post.

Therefore the worship of some/many/most is in ignorance of any love of Satan.

What? are free masons ignorant of the gospel not worth saving? If not why not?

Were you not a slave to sin at one time?
I think that there is enough to say the organization is not compatible with Christianity (just based on popular opinion and the witness of the believer).

Insofar as members actually worshiping Satan, that's not actually true. The "blue lodge" provides the highest "degree" (Master Mason). The idea of the blue lodge is that men can work together for the betterment of mankind regardless of religious belief as long as there is a belief in a supreme being because without such belief there can be no moral accountability. They stress the "brotherhood of man". The candidate actually takes a part in the "play" (the three degrees) which are set in the building of Solomon's Temple. One is not a Mason until that person has completed the 3rd degree.

There are two Rites - the York Rite and the Scottish Rite.

The York Rite is based on Christianity but one does not have to profess faith in Christ alone until midway through the "degrees" (one could be any religion and go halfway through the York Rite). The stained glass posted earlier, if truly a "masonic symbol" wold come from the York Rite. In it the member states that they will defend the Christian faith against all others.

The Scottish Rite is based on secular justice. The "degrees" go through different religions to claim that all religions have at their foundation a moral standard based on a supreme being and this produces a common idea of laws and justice within society. Several religions are presented in various degrees (Hebrew, Persian, Egyptian, etc.). These "degrees are given, typically, in a weekend. They are essentially plays that a group of candidates watch. No one is a 30 degree mason without being a 32 degree mason. These are not steps but stages of one long play.

(Shriner's are more like a club, not an official rite of the Freemasons. There are many smaller and local "clubs" within the organization).

The problem with going off what other people have written (what other Freemasons have written) is that the whole thing is subjective (which is the point). For every mason who expresses Freemasonry in the occult (like, IMHO, Pike) there are probably ten who attribute the symbolism to Christianity. Either way, I believe it at least approaches Gnosticism.

The reason I am telling you this is I do not want you to falsely believe your father was worshiping Satan in a lodge. That is not what goes on. One can belong, wrongly, to a group. But you can't be a Christian and worship Satan (either willfully or in ignorance).


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Yes - the problem is the secrecy and the ritual - that evokes all kinds of suppositions.

But I would agree with Forever Settled that they need to hear the gospel.

The problem being that in the lodges with a bent towards Christianity its a hard sell as they don't think its necessary to renounce or quit the lodge or temple.

I know of one Baptist church in Maine that just about the entire male membership are Masons (at least they were about 30 years ago).


Yes - the problem is the secrecy and the ritual - that evokes all kinds of suppositions.

But I would agree with Forever Settled that they need to hear the gospel.

The problem being that in the lodges with a bent towards Christianity its a hard sell as they don't think its necessary to renounce or quit the lodge or temple.

I know of one Baptist church in Maine that just about the entire male membership are Masons (at least they were about 30 years ago).
The problem comes in when people think that by virtue of one being involved with Freemasons or Boy Scouts that they cannot be a true Christian (or even a faithful Christian). I’ve been told by several people that I forfeited my faith when I joined the Army and took an unholy oath to our nation. I take it with a grain of salt (basically I don’t let other people’s opinions bother me).

The reason I say it is a problem is that there is the credibility of two witnesses at stake – the Freemason (or Scout) and the believer convicted that it is wrong.

The Freemason could cause a brother to stumble because that person truly believes that the mason worships Satan while attending church claiming to be a Christian. That person is convinced of the things he or she has read, and they apply this to all Masons (they see books like Morals and Dogma as expressing what the organization is about).

On the other hand, what if the other person is talking to a Freemason who is not a Christian and whose experience is completely different to what the Christian is describing? We have to be careful when dealing with people that we do not accidentally invalidate our testimony by speaking to what may not be accurate across the board.

I say this as someone who has been a Mason, a “past-master” (I presided over a lodge and gave the “degrees”), a York Rite Mason (Royal Arch, Cryptic, and Templar), and Scottish Rite (32 degree). I do not believe a Christian should be a Mason, and that is why I left the organization. I believe it is Gnostic in nature (or tries to be). The primary reason I left the organization, however, was so as not to be a stumbling block to a brother. People believe all kinds of things (even things that have been proven incorrect).

I believe the only danger in people believing the demonic myths surrounding the organization is that they ruin any opportunity of reaching a non-Christian Mason with the truth. It's not worth confronting the zealous believer because their intentions are well and they will typically not be persuaded that they are damaging their testimony by overreaching. From experience, if I were to tell you they do not worship Baal then I would be accused of being brainwashed or being pro-Freemason (I am neither, BTW). So when it comes to the charge of worshiping Satan, leave it at "that may be true of some, but that was not my experience". And I offer to share my experience.

We do have to remember that it is not necessary to quit the Freemasons in order to be saved. And many Christians joined the Masons because their churches did not "walk the walk" (you may be surprised how often this happens) and they look for a way to actively live out their faith.

Forever Settled

Active Member
I say this as someone who has been a Mason, a “past-master” (I presided over a lodge and gave the “degrees”), a York Rite Mason (Royal Arch, Cryptic, and Templar), and Scottish Rite (32 degree).

Wow ! A little more involvement than what you originally stated.

. Decades ago I was a member (joined to see what it was about).


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The problem comes in when people think that by virtue of one being involved with Freemasons or Boy Scouts that they cannot be a true Christian (or even a faithful Christian). I’ve been told by several people that I forfeited my faith when I joined the Army and took an unholy oath to our nation. I take it with a grain of salt (basically I don’t let other people’s opinions bother me).

The reason I say it is a problem is that there is the credibility of two witnesses at stake – the Freemason (or Scout) and the believer convicted that it is wrong.

The Freemason could cause a brother to stumble because that person truly believes that the mason worships Satan while attending church claiming to be a Christian. That person is convinced of the things he or she has read, and they apply this to all Masons (they see books like Morals and Dogma as expressing what the organization is about).

On the other hand, what if the other person is talking to a Freemason who is not a Christian and whose experience is completely different to what the Christian is describing? We have to be careful when dealing with people that we do not accidentally invalidate our testimony by speaking to what may not be accurate across the board.

I say this as someone who has been a Mason, a “past-master” (I presided over a lodge and gave the “degrees”), a York Rite Mason (Royal Arch, Cryptic, and Templar), and Scottish Rite (32 degree). I do not believe a Christian should be a Mason, and that is why I left the organization. I believe it is Gnostic in nature (or tries to be). The primary reason I left the organization, however, was so as not to be a stumbling block to a brother. People believe all kinds of things (even things that have been proven incorrect).

I believe the only danger in people believing the demonic myths surrounding the organization is that they ruin any opportunity of reaching a non-Christian Mason with the truth. It's not worth confronting the zealous believer because their intentions are well and they will typically not be persuaded that they are damaging their testimony by overreaching. From experience, if I were to tell you they do not worship Baal then I would be accused of being brainwashed or being pro-Freemason (I am neither, BTW). So when it comes to the charge of worshiping Satan, leave it at "that may be true of some, but that was not my experience". And I offer to share my experience.

Exactly Jon,BTW, I too am a veteran - Vietnam Era (non combat) USAF.

Yes as a young Christian I was astonished at what people believed that came to them from word of mouth, rumor, urban legend, etc...


Wow ! A little more involvement than what you originally stated.
Not really. I was a member decades ago (I talked about this before, but it's been awhile). There is much less to the Freemasons than you might expect.

Anyway, if you have any questions about my experience you are more than welcome to ask here or via PM. I warn people not to join, but I don't hide my past involvement or experiences.

Sometimes the best experience to learn from is someone elses.

Forever Settled

Active Member
Sometimes the best experience to learn from is someone elses.

Jon In my op the link shows the temple in the town I grew up in and pastored many years. I had to find out about them.

My uncle was employed by the temple and also was flown around the country doing installations .

He and I have had many deep conversations......he mocks Christ.
He says lucifer is the true light.....this coming from a man with his own office in the temple that was in the link. I think he has a good grasp of their beliefs.

My wife had a family member with an office in that temple employed full time .....many conversations with them as well.

As I knew many many people in that town the Lord used me to study with Three masons who after much one on one study they each repented of their involvement with the lodge denouced it and gave testimonies in my church .

I used to occasionally hold series of masonic studies on Wed or Sunday nites...I would run newspaper ads inviting anyone to attend to hear the truth.
I have received several death threats from members of the gentle craft.
So jon I have an understanding of what they do and teach.

They are not as harmless as some on this thread would have everyone believe.

Forever Settled

Active Member
I used to occasionally hold series of masonic studies on Wed or Sunday nites...I would run newspaper ads inviting anyone to attend to hear the truth.

What would really bring tears to my eyes is mothers ....wives...grandmothers have attended and listened and said they were praying for their loved one because if they didn’t get out of the lodge they were going to hell.....because the lodge were teaching their loved ones to ignore Christ.

As they left they would shake my hand and say they were grateful for what I was doing and were praying for me.

One of the Men who eventually repented and denouced the lodge was as he put it ....nagged into coming by his wife.... and The Holy Spirit started convincing him and eventually he was led out of the worship of Baal and bowing at the altar of Baal !

Praise God !


Jon In my op the link shows the temple in the town I grew up in and pastored many years. I had to find out about them.

My uncle was employed by the temple and also was flown around the country doing installations .

He and I have had many deep conversations......he mocks Christ.
He says lucifer is the true light.....this coming from a man with his own office in the temple that was in the link. I think he has a good grasp of their beliefs.

My wife had a family member with an office in that temple employed full time .....many conversations with them as well.

As I knew many many people in that town the Lord used me to study with Three masons who after much one on one study they each repented of their involvement with the lodge denouced it and gave testimonies in my church .

I used to occasionally hold series of masonic studies on Wed or Sunday nites...I would run newspaper ads inviting anyone to attend to hear the truth.
I have received several death threats from members of the gentle craft.
So jon I have an understanding of what they do and teach.

They are not as harmless as some on this thread would have everyone believe.
I am not suggesting you don't know what those you have encountered taught. I agree the organization is far from harmless.

I am only saying that what you experienced of their teachings is foreign from my own experience, that's all.

I don't apply my experience (with about 75% faithful Christians who are allowing their association to damage their testimony) to you. And I am sure you do not intend to suggest your experience with Satanic Freemasons applies to me.

As I am sure you know, each state is a separate organization (they choose to recognize one another, or not). I was saved long before I was a madon. I would not have joined had they been like those you encountered.

Perhaps that makes the one I was in a bit more dangerous. They did not esteem Albert Pike or worship Satan. So they just did not stand out as most were Christian (and faithful Christiansactive in their churches). It introduced secular humanism under the radar. I think that more alarming than the ones you had denouncing Christ.

Squire Robertsson

Can you say understatement? The competion is like that of a candle to a floodlight.
No sir I’m not..... you said this :

“Having said that: Masonry is supposedly a light in this world,
However, there is competition.”

Christ has NO competition.....the lodge worships lucifer....or so THEIR publications proclaim unashamedly .


Active Member
My two experiences with the masons would give support to the contention by Forever Settled that they are a religion or rather a cult.

After the death of one of our patients, his wife spoke to me briefly and said that they had told her husband if he did what they told him he did not need to worry about getting into heaven. This shows the teachings of a works salvation. Unfortunately, this is what we see among many others saying they are a church.

The other was a phone call from the fez guys trying to sell tickets to their circus. I spoke to the fund raiser and told him I was a Baptist and was at odds with what I was hearing, as in the previous paragraph. His reply was that they had plenty of Baptist members and that they made good men better. I asked him what they could do better than He which was perfect had already done. Needless to say, I didn't buy any tickets. Superficial good works often cover a deep deception. This is the way of Satan.

The Lord rebukes some in Israel for worshiping Baal, the dung God. They, because of their being deceived, thought they were worshiping the Lord, when in fact were blinded to the true light and were in sin and rebellion. Christ says in Luke 11:35, "Take heed therefore that the light that is in the be not darkness." He repeats in John 8:25, "Jesus answered, if I honour myself my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me, of whom ye say that he is your God." They were worshiping Baal, as had their fathers.

It is sad that either the churches our Baptist brethren were attending were not feeding the sheep or that those in them thought they also needed masonry. In the latter case, I would question the type of life that they said was in them as members. The honour of God is greater than that of men.

Those in Christ are not to be a part of masonry.


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The Everything Freemasons Book claimed "Leo Taxil, a confessed hoaxer and accomplished liar, contributed enormously to the absurd notion that Freemasonry was a front for the practice of devil worship. Gifted with an elaborate imagination, and cursed with few scruples, Taxil made Albert Pike the target of his unbelievable stories, and the Catholic Church--including the Pope--brought the entire charade lock, stock, and barrel" (p. 231).

It claimed that Taxil "began writing and publishing inventive exposes that detailed the fictitious 'Palladium' of Freemasonry" (p. 231).
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