First, I need to apologize. I got tied up with things at work and in my family life and forgot about this thread. I'm sorry to have made you wait. At the same time, I don't think you were anxiously waiting day and night for my answer

, but it is just rude to drop conversations. It was not my intention.
You asked about a "real" Adam, Eve, "physical fall", serpent, fruit, and presumably the Garden of Eden in which everything took place. Because of the way you have asked the question, a simple yes or no would give a dishonest answer. Do I believe those things are real? Absolutely. But that would give you the wrong impression and I would be dishonest. My view is much more complex than that.
Adam and Eve
Real? Yes.
Literal? No.*
Archetypal? Yes.
Genealogical? Yes, but not in a literal sense.
Literary? Yes.
* The human genome reveals that humankind is descended from a population of about 10,000 individuals, rather than a pair.
"Physical Fall" (I'm not sure what you mean by "physical," but I am interpreting it as the doctrine of the Fall where persons created in the image of God are not necessarily sustained by God with eternal life.)
Real? Yes.
Literal? Yes, but not in terms of a literal Genesis 3.
Genealogical? Yes.
Literary? Yes.
Real? Yes.
Literal? Yes, but not in terms of a literal Genesis 3.
Fruit and the Garden of Eden
Real? Yes.
Literal? Yes, but not in terms of a literal Genesis 3.
Archetypal? Yes.
Literary? Yes.
An outstanding book on this issue is "
Adam and the Genome" which respectfully explains both science and scripture. It is certainly not the last word on the subject, but it is a good place to get a primer on the issues. I read through it with a scientist friend of mine. He helped me with the science side of things and I helped him with the theology side. Even if you ultimately disagree with the conclusions that honor both scripture and science, you need to know the evidence.