Yes. The One Who was the very image of the Father explained things using non-historical, non-literal stories. It is something that God does. Therefore, it should not be surprising to see it in other parts of scripture.Jesus was speaking to them in a parable...
Saying it over and over again doesn't make it so. What is your evidence that the creation stories of 1-3 are NOT myth (in the finest technical sense of the word)? I have given you some scriptural evidence in previous posts. You have cited Jesus and Paul improperly, and I have explained who they were really talking about....and genesis is neither myth/metaphor, nor a parable!
I have never said anything of the sort (much less going “back to” it) and I think you know that. If you seriously think that is my position, then you haven’t been reading my posts carefully.And so you are back to stating that God was not able to show to any Christian what was intend and meant to us to learn from Genesis until the Evolutionists and their "scientific facts" became history?
You brought up Luther, Calvin and Augustine as authorities on doctrine, especially regarding their views on Genesis 1-3, and I pointed out that they were not infallible and pointed out that we agree on believer's baptism by immersion, while the three of them would strongly disagree with us.
I happen to think that believer’s baptism is a much more important doctrine than a difference of interpretation of Genesis 1-3. Why couldn’t God change the minds of Augustine, Luther and Calvin? Because they were set in their ways of thinking and were dealing with some even more important issues.
We don’t properly do biblical interpretation by simply going with the majority view of the people around us, but by careful study, prayer, and meditation on scripture within the bounds of a community. Sometimes, we come across evidence in scripture that is unpopular in our community. If we are to be faithful to God, we have to be advocates for the new position until we are convinced we are wrong or the community changes its mind, realizing that you are right.
You’ve fallen into simply stating your position again. What is your evidence for such a position? What do we do with all the other evidence and truth that God has given us? Reject God’s truth? Nope. Not me.The Days of creation were literal days, Genesis1:24-25 explains that there was no evolution used, chapter 2 shows us Mankind was a special creation of God, 1 Adam and 1 Eve..
I never made that mistake. You are quite simply, incorrect. Here's the real story:Your biggest mistake is to filter the scriptures thru lens of evolutionary science, and not the other way around!
I came to my understanding of the myth nature of Genesis 1-3 through the study of the texts themselves while I was taking a Hebrew class in seminary. The texts CLEARLY (at least to me) show that they are not to be taken literally or historically, but rather to explain why humankind and the rest of the universe was created, and how we fit into it. I worked through the issues starting in 1992 and settled into that understanding in 1994. Since that time I have observed lots of evidence of an ancient earth, including massive fossilized coral reefs while traveling throughout Texas and New Mexico and discoveries in astronomy. I have been agnostic regarding human evolution through that entire period until I starting following the research on the human genome and genetic science, a subject that has interested me since high school in the 1980s. Due to my father’s passing in 2005, he had compiled an enormous amount of information on his family’s history, but he could not connect us to any of the Scottish clans, as was the story. He died with that unresolved. My brother (a scientist), heard about genetic testing on the Y-chromosome that had become commercially available, so he decided to do it since he had an invitation to speak at a major conference in Scotland the next year and he wanted some leads on what parts of Scotland to follow up our genealogy in local records. When the results came back, we discovered that our family is actually from the southwest coast of Ireland, not Scotland at all. That put a whole new spin on our genealogy. A few years ago, I started experiencing worsening symptoms of health troubles I had experiencing since around 1997. Through a long series of painful events, I discovered that I had a rare disease – Cushing’s Disease – caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland. And I was in such bad shape because of heart palpitations and breathing difficulties, I was a poor candidate for surgery. However, I wasn’t going to live more than a few more years at most without surgery, so I went through the surgery and the tumor was removed.
Things had gotten so bad because Cushing’s Disease is extremely difficult to diagnose, and it is almost always misdiagnosed. I actually diagnosed myself using Google one night, and then had to get medical professionals to run the months of tests to verify the diagnosis. That is extremely common in the Cushing’s community. People literally die because the issue is diagnosed too late. As one of the ways to make the world a better place, a lot of us Cushing’s survivors do the health genetic testing through 23andMe and let the company know that we have had Cushing’s Disease. We hope that they will isolate some genetic markers that can easily be tested in the near future to aid doctors when they are trying to diagnose a patient.
In the process of doing all of that and sorting through my human genome, I realized that the theory of theistic human evolution fits the evidence we have better than any other perspective.
So your foolish assertion that I started with human evolution and bring that to the scriptures is completely false. It was the other way around. From 1994-2016 (22 years), I was agnostic on the issue, with my preference that Adam and Eve were special creations of God that just happened to be similar to other hominids, and that we were all descended from one mother and father. However, the Bible doesn’t demand that and other solid evidence we have points to a community of about 10,000 hominids as the foundational group for humankind.
If you want to continue the discussion, I am happy to do it. But if you simply want to assert your viewpoints over and over without any documentation, I don’t really have time for that.