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I guess maybe I've missed it, but can you fill in the blank for me?Hi IT, I have provided four lines of evidence for the fact "total spiritual inability" is bogus....
Van... it has been so long... and yet you've changed little to none at all.Hi JamesL, man (people) has the ability to seek God and trust wholeheartedly in Jesus, without being regenerated (made alive) and thus while still spiritually dead in their sins.
The four lines of evidence against total spiritual inability are:
1) No verse or passage, contextually considered says fallen people cannot seek God or trust in Christ. Verses like 1 Corinthians 2:14 and Romans 3:10-12 do not actually support the premise. 1 Corinthians 2:14 says "the things from the Spirit" and does not say all "the things from the Spirit." Likewise, Romans 3:11 does not say "there is none who seeks God" at any time.
2) Several passages teach that fallen men do seek God, sometimes by works and sometimes by faith. See Matthew 13:1-23, Matthew 23:13, Romans 9:30-33, etc.
3) Jesus taught in parables to prevent people from responding and being healed, and He would not have need to teach in parables is total spiritual inability was valid.
4) God hardened hearts in Romans 11 to facilitate spreading the gospel to the Gentiles. He would not have needed to harden hearts of the Jews if they had already been hardened by total spiritual inability.
Verse 9 says they cannot please God.Romans 8:8 concludes a sentence started in verse 6: For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, 7 because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, 8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Does this passage say fallen unregenerate people are unable to ever set their minds on godly things, such as spiritual milk? Nope.
What you are, in fact doing, is making stuff up. In verses 6-8 none of those people are indwelt. They are not believers. They do not have the Holy Spirit. It's as plain as day.So what we have here is an effort to take a passage dealing with the behavior of some indwelt people, setting their minds on fleshly desires, and attempting to rip it out of context and apply it to those not indwelt. Twaddle.
Next Matthew 13:10-15 is said not to actually mean what it says, that is pressing too hard. LOL again.
Once again RolleyesYet another taint so post, devoid of any rebuttal.
Matthew 23:13 says fallen, unregenerate people were entering heaven, demonstrating the mistaken doctrine of total spiritual inability is bogus. Those on the other side offer obfuscation and deflection and personal attacks. Just read it folks.... If they had been regenerated, they would have not been blocked. It is a lock. Scripture means what it says, not the opposite of what it says.
The above is MM's post #2. It entirely deals with your reasoning on the subject.Matt. 23:13. "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to do so."
So if this verse doesn't mean what Van thinks it means, what does it mean? Does it really mean that the scribes and Pharisees were actually preventing people from getting into heaven?
Well first of all, let's consider what 'allow' means in English. People are not allowed to speed in Britain or America. There are laws against it. Do they still do it? They do in Britain. People are not allowed to shoot each other in the USA. There's a whole thread about the large number of gun murders on this very forum.
Next, there's the Greek word translated 'allow' in the NKJV and 'suffer' in the KJV. The word is aphiemi, and it's root meaning is 'send away' or 'discharge.' It is translated in the KJV as 'forgive' 47 times, 'leave' 52 times, 'let alone' 6 times, and 'suffer' ('allow') 13 times. So you can see that it has a wide range of meanings, but in Matt. 23:13 it surely need mean no more than that the religious leaders did not look kindly on those who were coming to the Lord Jesus, and obstructed them as much as they could.
The best example of this is their treatment of the man born blind in John 9. They did their very best to stop this man following Jesus, and when he persevered, they excommunicated him (v.34). Even then, they couldn't prevent the man from worshipping Jesus (v.38). Everyone who genuinely seeks Christ will find Him (cf. John 6:37b), but the fact is that no one will genuinely seek unless he is born again (John 6:65; 8:47 etc.).
I have previously posted J.C. Ryle's comments on this verse. I apologize for doing so again; you can look up any good commentary and find the same thing, but Ryle is brief and pithy:
'The first "woe" in the list is directed against the systematic opposition of the scribes and Pharisees to the progress of the Gospel. They "shut up the kingdom of heaven:" They would neither go in themselves, nor suffer others to go in; they rejected the warning voice of John the Baptist; they refused to acknowledge Jesus when He appeared among them as the Messiah; they tried to keep back Jewish inquirers. They would not believe the Gospel themselves and they did all in their power to prevent others believing in it: this was a great sin.'
That is all the verse means. To try to turn it into a theological trampoline and bounce up and down on it is foolishness of the worst kind. If those entering the kingdom were saved- if they had repented of their sins and trusted in Christ for salvation- then Satan himself would not keep them out. The Lord Jesus will build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it, much less the scribes and Pharisees. If they were not saved, then they would not get in (Rev. 21:8, 27).
Well, it's good that we can agree on one thing. The Scripture is indeed perfectly clear.LOL Martin, you questions have been answered multiple times. Scripture is clear. Why not accept it?
That is exactly correct. The Lord Jesus declares that He will build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. If these people were of the elect, a bunch of Pharisees will not stop them. The best example, and possibly the very one that our Lord had in mind, was the man born blind in John 9. The Jewish leaders tried persuasion, falsehood, abuse, and eventually excommunication, but they couldn't keep the man out of the kingdom (John 9:35-38).According to 5 pointers, they could not have been entering unless regenerated, and they could not be blocked if regenerated.
[The Question Mark key is at the bottom right of your keyboard]Scripture says there were entering. Why as the question.[sic] Scripture says they were blocked. Why ask the question. Obfuscation anyone.
Praise the Lord! That's something else we agree on.God and God alone controls entry into His kingdom.
You might think that. The Scriptures do not tell us. What the Lord Jesus tells us is that, 'All that the Father gives Me will come to Me' (John 6:37). If these people were among those given to the Son by the Father to redeem, then they came; if not at this time, then later. He also says, 'And the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.' If they came in true repentance and faith, nothing would prevent them.I think they never fully developed wholehearted faith because of the bogus teachings of the scribes.
They were responsible for seeking to keep them out. As I have explained, and as you have consistently ignored, aphiemi does not mean to 'block;' it means to 'forgive' or to 'let go.'What we know for sure is Jesus said the scribes were responsible for preventing them from entry.
I think you'll find that's a bonfire.Just throw that one on your denial bond fire.
I see yet another post devoid of on topic content, but simply another personal attack. This behavior demonstrates Matthew 23:13 teaches total spiritual inability is bogus so they want to shift the subject to my behavior. I think that action is on page one of their playbook....I think they never fully developed wholehearted faith because of the bogus teachings of the scribes.
Martin said:As I have explained, and as you have consistently ignored, aphiemi does not mean to 'block;' it means to 'forgive' or to 'let go.'