If you think there is no Islamic threat toward America, you better wake up quick. America does live in a protective bubble. What's happening in Europe will be an everyday thing in the USA if things are not turned around --ASAP.
I wish you would wake up. You are the cause of any Islamic threat against America.
You've been feverishly building a bridge to the middle-east for our military to go there, but Muslims cross back on that same bridge. They cross back as refugees. They cross back as personal relations of US soldiers there. They cross back as business relations of American companies doing business in the middle-east with the US military. They cross back seeking revenge for your unjust aggression against them.
You've been busy helping Muslim-friendly politicians win elections. For example, Obama is in office because you wanted that Islamophobic McCain in office, a man who ran on a personal platform of surrender of America to domestic enemies and war against the peaceful state of Iran. Moderate voters weren't interested in his lust for murder, so Obama won. We can't have good conservative politicians in this country, because of Evangelicals who'll only vote for treacherous Islamaphobes.
Christian chaplains are being squeezed out of the military for not supporting same-sex marriage. Christian businesses are being force to close for not supporting same-sex marriage. Government workers are being forced to compromise their values or leave their jobs, for not supporting same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is being use as tool to remove Christians form public view, and otherwise oppress Christians, and you hate Muslims so much that you'd prefer to bend over in Sodom than save America's Christian heritage and freedom.