What is His emotion toward those that Calvin himself said God illumined only for a time, and then turned over to greater blindness because of their unwillingness?
Here again....same thing.
We both agree that man is responsible to repent. But Brother C1 pointed out elsewhere that the spirit/will/desire to repent is a gift from God,
ok....but he is responsible to repent on his own,
He is responsible to be a law keeper on his own, he does not want to
ergo God is the one who enables/executes repentance within a man.
Because sinful man has no desire to know God in His holiness,all will perish if God did not have an eternal plan.
God has revealed His perfect plan which theologically is the Covenant of Redemption.
Pt.....can you comment scripturally on this Covenant?
what is your understanding of this Covenant?
Logic is not at issue truth is.
if man does not repent, it is because God did not move him to repent
Nothing says God has to do anything for that man. Does God have to save everyman?
If God does not move or enable a man to repent, seeing as only God can allow that man to repent, then how does it make any sense, following scripture, for God to hold man accountable for not doing what he was never allowed to do?
back to square one...men are responsible, they do not want it.
Just look at the scriptures. You will see Jesus Himself lamenting over Jerusalem being unwilling to turn to Him.
Yes...God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
If the truth was that God never enabled them to turn, then why would Jesus speak so?
because they were still responsible. your question is basically why does God not save everyone./
No. I will agree with John Piper on one sentiment. No matter what happens, He is God and I am just a man. I have no standing whatsoever to rail against the Almighty.
you see it sometimes...miss it other times.
Again, as I explained above, consider the parable of the gate. I will admit that the "select few" is a great number. John referred to them as a innumerable multitude. That does not change the fact that it is a smaller number than those entering into damnation.
Gen 18:25
Again, as noted above, it is the fact that your doctrine teaches that God regenerates and then inexorably and irresistibly calls men unto salvation.
Even though steaver looks at me as an apostle:laugh: I have never wrotten scripture...the vdoctrine belongs to God...We ought to obey...
Since this call cannot be resisted you cannot reasonably say that man had any choice in the matter
the effectual call is resisted , but not ultimately...that is why it is effectual...
Conversely, if God never gives regeneration and the call to man, then man is effectively kept from salvation by virtue of God withholding salvation from him.
in noahs day,,,,did noah prevent anyone from entering the ark?
I'm not blaming God for man's sins. I don't even account God as the originator of Sin, as some folks do
I just think it's not in line with scripture to hold to the theology that you guys do.
That is why we dialog about it.
then again, we basically knew our theological and doctrinal differences were bordering on irreconcilable.
I do not believe so as God draws men through means...effectually.
As I said elsewhere, I would never try to say that someone who doesn't hold to my theological bend is not one of His sheep
sure you would...do you think Mormons are saved?
nor would I say that God has not properly revealed things to them yet.
sure you would.....what do you tell a JW?