Brother Icon, it is ok to say what you believe to be true. You don't have to try to mask it and pretty it up somehow. It's not your own reasoning that leads you to this final conclusion that no belief in TULIP = No sheep. It is Calvinism itself that leads you there.
SBM has gone even further into it, you can't just have a little and let the rest on the table, well, you can try I guess, but if your going to go down the road of Calvinism you must let it have it's way and let it lead you into those dark places. Hopefully, those dark places will stir a repentance in your heart towards a God of Love for ALL.
Calvinism has lead you into this belief about those who do not embrace TULIP, you simply allowed it to take you there. Many Calvinist try to have it both ways. You are being faithful to where the doctrine must lead you. Now that you see where it leads you have another choice to make. Continue on and end up like SBM, or repent and let the Spirit fill your heart with love and joy again!!!!

raying: I hope this back and forth has caused you to take another look at just what you have embraced.
Don't be mad at me, I'm only the messenger, an instrument used of the Holy Spirit to help those who have lost their way. It is meant for your good......