Written by someone else
I have asked this of you before, but you ignored it. Can you show any scripture in which God is displeased with the playing of musical instruments as worship?
Thank you for your honesty.
but then again I cannot show you a lot of things that cannot be pleasing to God that are not explicitly directly stated againsts in scripture.
So can I.
Musical instruments is not one of those. I can show you show where Scripture demonstrates God's pleasure in musical instruments in worship.
`Oh, of course, those passages do not apply. Nothing the Bible actually says or demonstrates about the subject applies. Silly me.'
In light of the extensive use of instruments in the Old Testament and in the first-century world, it is amazing that there is no mention in the New Testament of such instruments in connection with the worship of the church.
Yeah, evidently, Christians were expected to have common sense.
I am sure that the New Testament-era Christians knew that what the Bible had said about using musical instruments as they sang still applied. That would be a no-brainer.
I doubt it ever occurred to New Testament authors that centuries down the road, some people would come to disdain musical instruments in worship so much that they would
a) advocate a universal ban on what God has shown approval of from the Old Testament to Revelation,
b) throw out everything the Bible actually says or demonstrates about the subject.
Again, something so foolish would never have occurred to them, so they did not even think to address it.
To go back to the beginning: you cannot show that worship with musical instruments displeases God. We can show where God demonstrates His pleasure in musical instruments in worship from the Old Testament to Revelation. Yet you advocate that we disregard that, demand that we justify doing what Scripture shows God's approval of, and advocate a universal ban on what God shows His approval of throughout His Word -- all the while claiming to be following the Bible!
I do not plan to go on an `A-game' argument over this subject. When a premise like this is advocated, those who do so are resolved to retain it regardless of its merit; I do not intend to waste much time with such people. However, when something begs to be critiqued, I will do so. There is only so much foolishness I am going to `bite my tongue' through.