why is it my "assumptions" that is in question now ? I have always stated....
The only problem with that is...
I Haven't Always Been Here.
Have you seen when I joined this forum? about 6 weeks ago.
So how in the world am I supposed to know what you've always stated?
I've been on different forums for the past 12 years. Do you know what I always stated on those forums?
So, since I have no idea what you've always stated, you might just need to share some of your assumptions, so I can figure out how you came to your questions?
you all are the ones who want to ADD FAITH to the finished work of Christ IN ORDER FOR IT TO BE EFFECTIVE and beneficial to the sinner.
If you think I'm adding to the cross, then you also accuse the apostle Paul too, because I used the same (translated) words found in scripture.
There is a difference between
merit and
The merit is Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross
The access is faith. Believing the gospel. Hearing and believing the word of God.
I already cited scripture for this, no need to do it again
I stated in another thread a few weeks ago that there are two groups of "believers":
1) I have faith that I am saved because of the finished work of Jesus
2) I am saved because I have faith in the finished work of Jesus
Those in group #2 argue that it's all semantics, while those in group #1 know the difference
Faith in faith is futile, and does not save anyone.
I have asked you all, time and again, what of babies who NEVER HEARD THE GOSPEL. Are you going to say theirs is a different method of salvation.....
You've never asked me anything in this matter. Don't assume you know my answer.
In another thread here, I think the one about having a born again experience, I stated a position on babies, and that would also apply to mentally impaired as well.
Scripture NEVER once addresses a baby's need to be "saved" because babies aren't sinners.
The impossible notion of a fictitious "spiritual death" passed on by Adam, whereby we are all born separated from God, and have a mystical "sin nature" fails on so may platforms that it is ridiculous.
First, our flesh and blood body is the ONLY part we get from Adam. Our spirit comes from God (Ecclesiastes 12:7, Zechariah 12:2). And God does not create sinful spirits.
To think that Adam could corrupt every spirit breathed into flesh by God is so heretical that it's not funny. So much for God's sovereignty if that's true
Romans 5 speaks of physical death and resurrection, just like 1Corinthians 15
Consequently, the doctrine called Traducianism was fabricated, where it is taught that our spirit comes from our parents. This was to alleviate the supposed problem in Romans 5:12. I cannot find anyone teaching it before Tertullian.
I'll side with scripture on the matter of where our spirit comes from, and God doesn't breathe sinful spirits. Babies are not sinners
The "original sin" fabrication also leads to difficulty with Christ. If EVERY physical descendant of Adam is born a sinner, then you have a Christ who would be a sinner. Or a Christ who really can't trace His lineage back to Adam.
VOILA !! Immaculate conception supposedly addressed this. But, then you have a Christ who was NOT made like us in all things, as is clearly stated in Hebrews 2:14-17
Not many options:
1) all men were born spiritually dead because of Adam, even Christ
2) all men except Christ were born spiritually dead because of Adam
If #1, He's not God, and you have a blatant heresy
If #2, He's not like us in all things, and therefore can't relate to us
All the arguing about dichotomy vs. trichotomy. For what? So we can deny the scriptures as to how we die spiritually? and consequently how the new birth works? Ludicrous.
The original sin fabrication rejects Romans 1-2, which teach that we have become futile, that we have exchanged the glory of God for an image, we BECAME fools.
How on earth does a fool become a fool? How does one acknowledge God no longer, if he never did in the first place? WE are without excuse, because WE go our own way. We all, like sheep were BORN astray? or Have GONE astray? I'll side with Isaiah 53:6 instead of tradition any day
The fictitious "original sin" runs into an absolute train wreck at the Second Coming of Christ. Jesus comes back, all the saints are resurrected (where there is no marriage, and thus no babies - cf. Matt 22:30), and all the sinners are destroyed 0 cf. Isaiah 13:9-11, Revelation 19:18&21.
So then. Who are the people who get deceived after the thousand years? If all the sinners are destroyed, and the saints aren't having anymore babies, where will all the nations come from at the end of the millennium? Answer - People aren't sinners until they go their own way. The nations will be comprised of those people not old enough to "go astray"
The "original sin" fabrication runs into a train wreck with infants who die. Where do they go? Scripture plainly says that one must believe the gospel in order to be saved. But babies can't believe, so what then? Augustine held the most consistent doctrine. He acknowledged the necessity of faith, and concluded that since a baby cannot believe, the baby goes to hell. Emotional reaction rejected that, and infant baptism was created as a way to attempt to secure grace for an infant. Problem is, the baby doesn't believe the gospel, so that baptism isn't worth a hill of beans.
Some others fabricated an "age of accountability" whereby a sinful baby would simply get a back door entrance into grace, where Jesus is made a liar in His statement that
Whosoever Believes In Me Shall Not Perish.
The problem isn't the scriptures, it's the traditions that bring error upon error
In Romans 7:7-11, Paul tells exactly when he died spiritually - When the law came. He says very plainly, Sin Came Alive And I Died.
So are babies "saved" some other way? NO
Babies aren't spiritually dead in the first place. How do you save someone who's not lost?
Same with people who are mentally retarded or otherwise severely impaired, they have never deliberately gone their own way, and therefore have never died spiritually.
I don't mean to get snippy, but I beg to differ with you, pinoy. You've never asked me those questions.
Unfortunately, most are so entrenched in Roman Catholic tradition that they're totally offended when someone points out that it doesn't jibe with scripture. I just know I'm gonna hear it from the original sin crowd