First of all Dave I disagree... If you Baptize in the name of Jesus only, you have robbed the Godhood... I baptize thee in the name of the Father... I know you believe God the Father gave all those elect to save to the Eternal Son... Right?... I baptize thee in the name of the Son... The Eternal Son had a name... Jesus... He had a name before Mary was told what his name was... Proverbs 30:4... His designation is Christ or the (Messiah), meaning “the anointed one"... Then last of all is the person of the Holy Ghost... the regenerator of the unregenerate... The quickener of the dead... The one who convicts us of sin against an offended Holy God... The three and one Godhead, elected us, gave us and saved us and without all three SALVATION IS IMPOSSIBLE!... Therefore I baptize thee... In the name of the FATHER... And of the SON... And of the HOLY GHOST!... TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!... Brother Glen
Btw... For clarification sake, in my Old Line Baptist Church I never heard Holy Spirit used in Baptism, only Holy Ghost!... Oh and speaking of the Holy Spirit, to those in the know... I GOT THE BOOK!