I contend the KJV, with its many revisions, is still the best English translation. I am not a KJVO. If your native language is Swahili, by all means use the Swahili translation. Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God; how can they hear without a preacher? The Holy Spirit bears witness to The Word.
Dumb questions: What happened to all the lost folks who never spoke English before the 17th century, and the advent of the KJV.
The Geneva Bible(English) predates the KJV. There is evidence the pilgrims had Geneva Bibles at Plymouth Rock, 1620. Is there something defective about the preaching of the Geneva Bible in the Colonies?
Why did the KJV translators not translate the word baptizo?
Will we allow such errors with the superintendence of God?
God does not author confusion or error.
Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Bro. James