It would have been interesting to have seen the word used by the KJV beside each of your NIV words.
NIV in the first column.......KJV in the last..............reference in middle
abasement Ezra 9:5 heaviness
abashed Isaiah 24:23 confounded
abutted Ezekiel 40:18 over against
acclamation 2 Chron. 15:14 voice
aghast Isa. 13:8 amazed
alcove Ezek 40:13 little chamber
annotations 2 Chr 13:22 story
armlets Num 31:50 chains
bewilderment Acts 2:6 confounded
blunted Ps 58:7 cut in pieces
blustering Job 8:2 strong
breakers Ps 93:4 waves
brooches Ex 35:22 bracelets
brood Is 57:4 children
burnished Dan 10:6 polished
carnelian Rev 4:3 sardine
charioteers 1 Sam 13:5 horsemen
citron Rev 18:12 thyine
colonnade 1 Ki 7:6 porch
commemorate Ex 13:3 remember
cooing Song 2:12 voice
cors 1 Ki 4:22 measures
curds Gen 18:8 butter
dappled Zec 6:6 gristled
debauchery Gal 5:19 lasciviousness
decimated 2 Sam 21:5 destroyed
dejected Gen 40:6 sad
deluded Isa 44:20 deceived
denarii Matt 18:28 pence
denarius Matt 20:2 penny
desecrate Lev 21:12 profane
despoil Jer 30:16 give for a prey
detachment John 18:3 band
disheartened Ezek 13:22 sad
disillusionment Ps 7:14 falsehood
dissipation 1 Pet 4:4 riot
drachmas Ezra 2:69 drams
dragnet Hab 1:15 drag
duplicity Lk 20:23 craftiness
elation Pro 28:12 glory
embedded Ecc 12:11 fastened
embitter Ps 73:21 grieved
embodiment Rom 2:20 form
emphatically Mk 14:31 vehemently
encouragingly 2 Chr 30:22 comfortably
encrouch Pro 23:10 enter
engulf Ps 69:2 overflow
enrollment 2 Chr 17:14 numbers
enthralled Ps 45:11 greatly desire
enveloped Lk 9:34 overshadowed
exasperate Eph 6:4 provoke
exterminate Ezek 25:7 perish
exult Is 14:8 rejoice
factions 1 Ki 16:21 parts
famished Is 8:21 hungry
fattened 1 Sam 28:24 fat
faultfinders Jude 16 complainers
fawns Song 4:5 roes
fellowman Micah 2:2 man
festival Ex 5:1 feast
festive 1 Sam 25:8 good
fieldstones Deut 27:6 whole stones
figurehead Acts 28:11 sign
filigree Ex 28:20 enclosings
fishnets Ezek 26:5 nets
flagstaff Is 30:17 beacon
flank Ezek 34:21 side
fleeting Ps 89:47 short
flinging Acts 22:23 threw
flogged Acts 5:40 beaten
floodgates Gen 7:11 windows
fluttering Is 16:2 wandering
fomenting Is 59:13 speaking
forded Josh 2:23 passed over
forevermore Jude 25 for ever
frolic Ps 104:26 play
fruitage Is 27:9 fruit
gadfly Jer 46:20 destruction
gaiety Is 24:8 mirth
galled 1 Sam 18:8 displeased
gateway Gen 19:1 gate
gaunt Gen 41:3 leanfleshed
gauntness Job 16:8 leanness
gecko Lev 11:30 ferret
glancing Ex 2:12 looked
glint Hab 3:11 light
glistening Job 41:32 shine
gloat Ps 30:1 rejoice
gloom Job 10:21 darkness
glutted Ezek 39:19 full
goblet Is 51:17 cup
goiim Gen 14:1 nations
grapevine James 3:12 vine
harrowing Is 28:24 break the clods
haunt Ps 44:19 place
headwaters Gen 2:10 heads
hoopoe Lev 11:19 lapwing
horde Ezek 17:17 army
ibex Deut 14:5 pygarg
ignoble 2 Tim 2:20 dishonour
impaled Ezra 6:11 hanged
imperishable 1 Cor 15:50 incorruption
impetuous Hab 1:6 hasty
improvise Amos 6:5 invent
incited 1 Chr 21:1 provoked
incurs Pro 9:7 getteth
indestructible Heb 7:16 endless
indignant Mk 10:41 displeased
indispensable 1 Cor 12:22 necessary
infamy Is 44:11 ashamed
innumerable 2 Chr 12:3 without number
insolence Jer 48:30 wrath
insolent Rom 1:30 despiteful
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