Roger - "Bruit" is used twice in the OT - I thought that I might know what it means in context - but I did not. In fact, each time it was used,
Strong's has a different reference # for it.
First I want to apologize that I got you granddaughter mixed up with daughter. Sometimes my mind works faster that my typing. Also, I share you loss in not being able to see your granddaughter.
Thank mind often lags behind my fingers and then races ahead. Depends on the day! I miss Josie, but I try to be a good grandmother when we're together and cherish those times with all my heart. One day she won't have the constraints her mother puts on our time together.
Anyways, the tone of your response is that you appear to be KJO.
No, just KJV personal preference. As I mentioned above I believe God can use whatever version He chooses to reach someone. I enjoy using the KJ - but I do use many others as well. The point of option one was that many believe to the point that you cannot be saved by reading any version except the KJV.
I am certainly not in that group. Many Non-KJO people have a problem with that an other dictates of KJO.
I find that non-KJV people are usually fairly intolerant of those of us who prefer reading the KJV and are generally quite agressive in their attacks. It's why I stopped discussing this some time back and swore I'd never do it again. I must have had a brain lapse when I posted on this subject. It's not that I can't hold my own in a debate it's that I get tired of the same old song and dances. It's why I absolutely refuse to participate in the Calv/Arm debates. It's gotten to be a complete and utter waste of time as no one is ever going to change their minds...sort of like this subject. I've decided you either like the KJV or you don't and if you are a modern version warrior you're not going to change and if you are on the KJV side you're not defecting to the other camp just on principle alone. In my library you'll find most modern versions. I use them when studying.
And there is no way, I accept the thinking that the KJ is on a 4th grade level. At a minium, it is 8-F/College level; and as one posted pointed out, different books do have seperate reading grade levels.
We did a lengthy study on the subject at our church several years ago. (that's the study I finally threw out when I said I was done discussing this..that's when I find I need what I threw away) Anyway, we looked at the words used in the different versions (not counting those archaic words) and that was the average reading level. It doesn't really matter to me what version someone else uses as long as they read and study their Bible