All words in the NIV:
abashed, abutted, algum, allots, ally, aloes, ardent, armlets, astir, awl, battlements, behemoth, belial, bereaves, betrothed, bier, blighted, booty, brayed, breaching, breakers, buffeted, burnished, calamus, capital (not a city), carnelian, carrion, centurions, chasm, chronic, chrysolite, cistern, citadel, citron, clefts, cohorts, colonnades, coney, congealed, contrite, convocations, crest, cors, curds, dandled, dappled, debauchery, deluged, denarii, depose, derides, despoil, dire,dispossess, disrepute, dissipation, distill, dissuade, divination, dragnet, dropsy, duplicity, earthenware, ebony, emasculate, encroach, enmity, enthralled, entreaty, ephod, epicurean, ewe, excrement, exodus, factions, felled, festal, fettered, filigree, flagstaff, fomenting, forded, fowler, gadfly, galled, gird, gauntness, gecko, gloating, goiim, harrowing, hearld, henna, homers, hoopoe, ignoble, incur, indignant, insatiable, insolence, invoked, jambs, joists, jowls, lairs, leviathan, libations, loins, magi, manifold, maritime, mattocks, maxims, mina, mother-of-pearl, mustering, myrtles, naive, notorious, Nubians, odious, offal, omer, oracles, overweening, parapet, parchments, pavilion, peals (noun, not the verb), perjurers, pinions, phylacteries, plumage, pomp, porphyry, portent, potsherd, proconsul, propriety, poultice, Praetorium, pretext, profligate, qualm, quarries, quivers (noun, not verb), ramparts, ransacked, ratified, ravish, rabble, rawboned, relish (not for hotdogs), recoils, recount, refrain, relent, rend, reposes, reputed, retinue, retorted, retribution, rifts, roebucks, rue, sachet, satraps, sated, shipwrights, siegeworks, sinews, sistrums, sledges, smelted, soothsayer, sovereignty, spelt, stadia, stench, stipulation, sullen, tamarisk, tanner, temperate, tether, tetrarch, terebinth, thresher, throes, thronged, tiaras, tinder, tracts, tresses, turbulent, t unscathed, unrelenting, usury, vassal, vaunts, vehemently, verdant, vexed, wadi, wield, winnowing .
I really get tired of the old "the KJV is too hard to understand" line. If that's true. so is the NIV.