New Member
Wonderful. So we need to carry another book around so we can understand the Book?
Please don't take this personally, but how is that any different from other religions that tell folks, "The Bible is good, but it is hard to understand. Here is another book that explains it in simple terms" then hands a person 'The Pearl of Great Price' or 'The Book of Mormon' or a Jehovah's Witness book- or tell them that they cannot understand the Bible, so let the priest interpret it for them.
Men died for the right to translate the Bible into a common language so the 'plowman' could read and understand it for themselves not so they would have to carry a dictionary around with it to understand it.
The word BOOK is a bit of a misunderstanding on this one....I guess booklet would be more like it. I'd call it a tract, but it's bigger in dimensions than a Chick Tract. It's very thin and fits right inside your Bible for those words you don't get when reading the KJV. I've found, in my experience, that it's really not needed all that much but it's nice to have. It's not like a Book of Mormon kind of book, it's a little dictionary is all, no different than grabbing one from the shelf of your library. Nobody is explaining anything or telling you what to believe, just gives the definition of a word and a scripture reference for that word. Period.
THIS is why I don't discuss this anymore because people become so defensive of their particular brand of translation and jump on the "people died to translate" soap box, among others. I do NOT...repeat DO NOT...deny you, or anyone else, the privilege of reading scripture in whatever translation you choose to read. I also DO NOT deny God's ability to use any translation to speak to those who are reading or to use any translation to bring someone to salvation. I, personally, prefer the King James Bible. It's what I grew up with, it's what I am most comfortable reading. I personally do not NEED a dictionary to read it, I understand it better than any of the modern translations. But then, I'm older and set in my ways. I enjoy the rich, beautiful, flowing language of the King James Bible. But, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I have an expensive Sony Reader that sits in a drawer, unused because I still prefer holding a real book in my hands. So, call me old-fashioned.