That makes more sense than being typed after only one season. Had he played the role for more than one season, I think he would top everybody's list as the best Doctor, surpassing even Tom. I have no doubts that he would have shined as much as DT did in the final scene of Doomsday. However, I don't think that Madame de Pompadour falling for 9 would have been as believeable as it was with 10.
There's a website that I've visited for several years that recaps TV shows and one of those is Doctor Who, for both of the last 2 seasons. The recapper for Doctor Who wrote something that really annoyed me, and I'd like to know your thoughts on it. Here's the paragraph, written during the recap of "Fear Her".
All alone, separated from your people, lost in time, and you find one girl in London that needs you just as badly. And you write her into your story and cut her off from her own mother for your own purposes, so that you won't have to be lonely anymore. Leaving behind the hard and the broken and the lonely; stealing children for more and more stories, leaving death in your wake. With a glorious sense of play and fun about the whole thing.
First, despite repeated pleas from Jackie, Rose chose to stay with the Doctor. It's not like the Doctor kidnapped her. In fact, between the choice of never seeing her mother again, or never seeing the Doctor again, she chose to never see her mother again. So, can someone explain to me how he cut her off from her own mother?
I don't quite understand the "hard, broken and lonely" comment either. While being in love with Pavement Girl isn't exactly my cuppa, Elton didn't across as hard, broken or lonely. In fact, other than Sarah Jane, please name a former companion who became hard, broken or lonely after traveling with the Doctor. And, I'd say that Sarah Jane had as much to do with that as anybody.
I have heard the "death comes with the Doctor" argument before, but I just don't buy into it. Does the TARDIS bring the bad guys with it, or are they already there and the TARDIS brings the rescuer? I vote for the latter. However, the unsettling stories "Silver Nemesis" and "Remembrance of the Daleks" are good arguments against my position.
BTW, I did say these things to the recapper in question, but haven't gotten a response. Since it's been several days, I doubt that I will. But, what say you?