that’s not your decision. The arrogance dripping from your posts is incredible. It is a valid reason for me and millions of Americans to include doctors and nurses.
do you know why there are often not enough beds in hospitals right now? It’s because there isn’t enough staff to man them. They have been let go for refusing the vaccine. 10s of thousands all over the country.
how safe is something that has to be forced on people? Attitudes like yours is what further propagates distrust in the government and this vaccine.
No. That is my opinion.
You state your opinions (as does other members) yet resort to ad hominem when I dare to voice a view.
And I disagree.
If research shows seat belts saves lives and then the government says seat belts saves lives we should not automatically dismiss the statement because it comes from the government.
The government did not develop the vaccines. The Trump administration provided funding and "Operation Warp Speed", the Biden Administration continued (then overstepped its authority).
But just to dismiss a vaccine (or accept a vacvine) based on what the government says is not logical.
Even a blind squirrel finds the occasional nut.
The fact that a government advocates for something is not a valid reason to dismiss that thing.
You are making up that millions of doctors and nurses reject the vaccine simply because the government approves of it. That is a very stupid claim,
@Revmitchell .
If that is why you reject the vaccine you are a very small minority. By your logic CPR does not save lives.