I have had many talks with many different ppl. From Calvinists, to non-Calvinists, to Arminians, and probably semi-Pelagians. I have yet to have one say they deserved to be saved, and in fact, they have said God had every right to pass them by. This is something I agree with. Yet...
When they hear a sermon from a Calvinist, or read an article written by one that emphasizes particular redemption/limited atonement, they go
Now, if God had every right to pass them up, and they did not deserve to be saved to begin with, then why the angst to particular redemption/limited atonement, when no one deserved to be saved?
When they hear a sermon from a Calvinist, or read an article written by one that emphasizes particular redemption/limited atonement, they go

Now, if God had every right to pass them up, and they did not deserve to be saved to begin with, then why the angst to particular redemption/limited atonement, when no one deserved to be saved?