And that's exactly what pigs blood does.Psychological warfare has it's uses, but the weaknesses of the enemy you decide to exploit need to be exploited in such a way that it lowers their morale and doesn't inspire them.
As does the fighting Kurdish women who are presently killing ISIS fighters.
Even the Dutch are allowing biker gangs there to sign up and fight.
While ISIS is using an all woman brigade to install Sharia in regions it controls.
For it to be a theory it would have to be an idea untried. It is not.I believe you're on the wrong track with your pig blood theory.
Pigs are anathema to Muslims.
And it is not a war crime to bury the dead in mass graves. Nor is it a war crime to fill those graves with pigs blood so that one member of the enemy left alive witnesses the fate of their comrades should they fall. And this so that one remaining Jihadi can report back to command the warning of what awaits.
This enemy loves cowards. It loves people who are afraid to get bloody because that is what they see as our weakness. And the reason we are less than and worthy of being under their yoke. Or dead.
Every time someone whines we can't hurt terrorist Muslims, they spit on, defile, the body and the memory of innocent people beheaded by ISIS. The little children that ISIS cuts in half!
Your children they would happily cut in half. They'd rape and sell your daughters into slavery. Oh, but we can't hurt them? Exploit their weaknesses so as to defeat them and save our children? How absurd.
Those who argue we can't use terror and the weakness of the enemy to defeat the enemy are dead already.
That enemy would spit on us and cut our head off. And if they knew what they could do to send us to Hell they'd do it.
The enemy thinks being killed by a woman sends them to Hell. They think pigs blood sends them to Hell.
Civilized people know that isn't true.But the uncivilized backwards cultist Jihadi doesn't.
In order to win a war against terrorists we must understand the terrorists. And when we know their weakness we must exploit it so as to survive and defeat their mission.
Our military know that. Sun Tzu is on the Marine Corps Commandant's Reading List. It's required reading in the CIA and all military intelligence units.
Do we want to defeat an enemy who has nothing to lose? Or do we want to lose our heads?
Funny, I thought soldiers were used to fight the enemy.As for women, we use them in our military as we see fit, not to please or anger the enemy.