You act as though only free will believers would ever think of boasting. Cannot the Calvinist likewise boast that he is better than his neighbor because God chose him and not his neighbor?
I don't know what free will believers you have been around, RW, but if I ever heard someone boasting about being better simply because they accepted the free gift of God, then I would be the first to call them out. We do not boast. If we believe scripture, then we recognize we are saved by grace through faith, not of any work, so that no man can boast. This is applicable to the free will believer as much as to the Calvinist.
By the by, I know you claim not to be a Calvinist, but I don't think I've ever met someone who holds to so much of the Cal doctrine without claiming Calvinism as his own. It's quite impressive.
Tony, why is it that you chose and your neighbor didn't? By the way, chose is a verb a work.