First, are you denying that "learn" is included in "draw"?? John 6:44 and 6:65 present the very same problem "no man can come to me" and John 6:44 does not give TWO solutions to that problem "draw AND...."
John 6 does not equivocate between Draw and "Those given TO Christ" -- to do that you need a lot of inference and liberties with the text.
john 6 does not say that "all drawn have learned of the Father" - because the teachable spirit of the saved is required for that kind of learning.
All are drawn - but not all choose to believe, not all choose to learn, not all choose to come to Christ, not all will be raised up on the last day.
Furthermore, Jon 6:65 is simply recalling what was stated in verse 44 and Christ states the very same problem "no man can come to me" and he does not give TWO solutions to that problem
He gives the highly qualified solution of those drawn, that also believe, that also see, that also come to Christ that also learn from the Father and as a result are "given To Christ" and raised up on the last day.
"it given unto him AND..." Hence, to have "learned" of the Father must be inclusive of both "draw" and "given it". Therfore are you denying those in verse 64 had "learned"
I am denying that they were not drawn, because we know ALL are drawn. Certainly they are never stated in John 6 to have "learned from the Father" and we both know it.
As stated earlier - it would not bother me a bit to find that they had lost salvation and that some implied "they came, they learned, they were saved" is followed by 'then they fell from Grace and were severed from Christ" Gal 5:4. But I see not evidence for that in John 6 -- though I would not object at all if one should find it for me.
which is inclusive of "draw" which is inclusive of having "it given" to them?
"The given" is inclusive of a great many qualifiers.
The "Draw" is not - because all are drawn and NOTHING in John 6 says "they were not drawn" or "They did not come to Me because they were not drawn".
That is an inference, a liberty that Calvinism "needs" in the text - but not the rest of us.
However, even if you are not, Jesus is denying that such had been drawn by the Father
But just not saying "they were not drawn by the Father"???
So then we just have Calvinists as our "source" and that should be "just fine"??
Second, you have not interpreted "draw" to mean only "learned" of the Father but rather have interpreted to include having "HEARD" and "learned" by the EXTERNAL PREACHING of the gospel and the evidence you and every Arminian on this forum has claimed as EVIDENCE is a PUBLIC PROFESSION OF THE GOSPEL.[/quote]
Not I.
I have defined "Draw" as the Work of the Holy Spirit that "convicts the World of sin and righteousness and judgment" with or without Gospel preaching.
I have defined "Draw" as the Romans 10 appeal that Paul makes to nature itself in his quote of the Psalms.
I have defined "draw" as the witness about God seen in Romans 1 - in nature itself.
I have defined "draw" as including the "enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent" in Gen 3.
I have defined "draw" as the invisible unnoticeable work of the Holy Spirit in John 3 that leads up to the New Birth.
Sometimes that "Draw" does include Gospel preaching.
Certainly those who joined as Christ's disciples were indeed "drawn". Yet so also were many others who did not ever come to Christ teaching events while on earth.
Third, we have rock solid evidence in the twentieth century that head hunters in New Gunea had grandfather's and father's who never heard of Christ, the cross or the gospel as that generation killed the missionaries sent them and those later saved confessed that no such cross, Christ or gospel had been taught them or known among them in the generations of their father's and grandfathers. Hence, your interpetation of John 12:32 contradicts the facts of History.
Romans 2 states that there are indeed Gentiles with no access at all to scripture that "Do instinctively the things of the law showing the work of the law WRITTEN on the HEART" as is the case in the New Covenant work of the Holy Spirit.
Thus Paul's claim in Romans 1 and in Romans 10 that nature itself is preaching to the world - and reaching the world - is demonstrated in Romans 2:13-16.
I am not claiming that all Pagan's are saved - only that all are drawn and according to Romans 2:13-16 some are even saved.
in Christ,