I know men who struggle with different things. Should I stop these things so as to not cause them to lust? One man I know has a hard time with lust regarding women with long hair. Up or down, covered or uncovered - he absolutely is turned on by long hair. It's a daily struggle for him. Shall I cut my hair short?
What about the man I know who is totally into feet? It doesn't matter if there are shoes on a woman or not - he still loves feet and has to work hard daily to not lust after feet. Shall I cut off my feet?
How about the woman I know who LOVES a man in a suit and she is turned on by men in suits. It's really an issue for her. Shall we skip suits? Oh - yes we should.
See, there's a line. I seek to please God and do what else I can but there are some things that I just am not responsible for. Yes, I have breastfed my children everywhere I have been. Legally, a woman is allowed to breastfeed wherever she is. I was always discreet and would not have offended anyone because there was nothing to offend them with other than a baby under a lightweight blanket or my shirt. If they wish to lust after that, that's honestly not my problem. Maybe if they are exposed to it more, it will become just another thing in his life and no longer something that causes him to lust.