The salvation of every sinner, is the work of God, from start to finish. It is God Who first loved us, and took the first step in "redeeming" the sinful human race, by coming Himself, as the Second Person of the Trinity did, to take the place of these sinners on the cross, and bear their sins. He has done the complete work for every sinner to be saved. However, if the sinner "will not (not cannot) come" (as John 5:39-40), to have this eternal life, which is a free gift from God, and rather "reject the Gospel Message", as Acts 13:46 tells us; then this is what is known as "freedom of the will in humans", which is how Almighty God has made us. There are some who do not understand the Bible way of salvation, which Jesus tells us in places like Mark 1:15, that the sinner MUST "repent and believe in the Gospel"; and that "repentance leads to forgiveness" (Luke 24:47), which in turn leads to eternal life. The sinner has to DO the repenting, as is what those who were "convicted" by the Holy Spirit, through the preaching of the Gospel by Peter in Acts chapter 2, to which they asked, "what must we DO?" (2:37). To which Peter did not say, "you need to DO nothing", but instead said, "REPENT" (verse 38), because it is this REPENTANCE that brings about "conversion and the forgiveness of sins" (Acts 3:19). NONE of this is even possible, if it were not for the Holy Spirit first "convicting" the sinner (John 16:7-8). As we can do nothing, in and of ourselves, God has done it ALL, by making us in His image, which was NOT all lost at the fall, and which includes our "morality and freedom of will". Otherwise, why would God ask, "CHOOSE this day whom YOU will serve?" (Joshua 24:15). Interestingly, in the passage in Acts 13, we read, that it was the Jews, and NOT God, who "considered themselves not worthy of eternal life" (v.46). Also interesting, is the word Paul uses here, "ἄξιος", which means "to be of worth, worthy, having value". This is how God saw these sinners, which sadly is not how the Reformed/Calvinist do!