Then you are a sin bigot. For you all are not equally guilty under sin but one is more than another. I don't think God sees it that way.
The point is that, according to you, it's okay for a straight fornicator to enlist, but it's not okay for a gay fornicator. You're excusing heterosexual fornication, yet you're accusing those who say "all fornication should be condemned in the military" as excusing evil. In short, you're accusing others of what your'e doing.
I'm repeating my previous posting with added emphasis: "Nope! This continues the false argument that because fornicators are not, in themselves, excluded then neither should homosexuals.
It takes the context of sin being sin before God and misapplies it to render man incapable of making any judgment of which sins he can and should regulate through civil government and which he cannot and should not. This argument, if allowed to prevail, would ultimately result in no civil law at all that deals with any aspect of morality and no restrictions to service among men whatsoever based on a persons character as discerned by men.
That ignores the Biblical purpose of civil law which is to restrain and punish evil. That ignores the Biblical pattern of making choices about those who serve in various offices based upon their character. That renders Godly men incapable of regulating themselves and others in the daily course of living in this world. It would be wrong and a fatal result yet we increasingly see much support for it."
In every human institution - the family, the church, and the state - there must be applied the discernment of man as to what is right and what is wrong with appropriate rebuke, correction, and punishment as authorized and commanded by God. We must make decisions that put more or less weight to various sins.
The state is an institution designed by God and empowered to administer justice. A clearly Biblical purpose is to restrain evil and punish the evil. The state can not, because of the imperfection of man, extend that to every detail of God's law because, if allowed, it would be truly corrupted. Therefore, man must choose what sins he wishes to regulate establishing a framework that addresses those which have the most adverse effect on society and which can be reasonably addressed by its authority.
God hates all sin and in the broadest sense it is essentially a rebellion against Him. That's what makes all of us guilty and in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
This, however, does not absolve us of the duty and responsibility to regulate sin in our institutions in so far as we can reasonably accomplish whilst tempered with the knowledge of our own imperfection and risk of corruption. Therefore, for Godly men to condemn homosexual conduct in society is no sin at all. Neither is it wrong from them to specify that the self-professed practitioners of certain sins, such as homosexuality, be excluded for service in one or more of the institutions entrusted to man by God. In fact, it is our duty as Christians to do this when are given the responsibility. In America, all voters are responsible for the governance of our nation and thus none of us can escape the duty and responsibility to judge what is right and what is wrong amongst us. That's why we also serve on juries and decide the merits of an accusation. That's why we approve of laws that restrict a wide assortment of misconduct. That's why we make rules about what are acceptable qualifications and what are disqualifications for various positions. That does not excuse any sin but some are more clearly defined and more readily regulated than others.
Gentlemen, we need to accept the responsibility we have been given by God through His institutions while we are in this world. We need to be the salt and the light among others. We need to stop making excuses for the grossly wicked among us and realize that it is our duty, for the sake of my others to follow us, to do what we can to restrain evil and preserve dignity and honor in civil service and especially in the military.
It is not okay for an openly homosexual to serve in our armed forces no matter how we twist it or how we compare it to the other vices of man. All the vices are evil but homosexuality is blatantly so and clearly, if a person professes to practice it, there can be no doubt about their intentions.