I haven't seen anyone excusing fornicators, maybe I missed that.
You did not see it because it isn't there. They need a strawman to support their flawed view that has no support.
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I haven't seen anyone excusing fornicators, maybe I missed that.
You did not see it because it isn't there. They need a strawman to support their flawed view that has no support.
Dragoon is saying that heterosexuals with a history of fornication should be allowed in the military, and then accusing people people such as myself of "excusing sin", for my position that all fornicators (whether gay or straight) should be banned.I haven't seen anyone excusing fornicators, maybe I missed that.
I agree totally.Once in, however, each one should be held to the same standards and discipline. There are regulations on the books about adultery and homosexual activity, and these should be enforced severely. I don't know if there is anything about fornication, but it should fall along the same lines as adultery.
Still having reading comprehension problems, I see!Your analogy is flawed. Just because one is attracted to their own gender does not make them a rapist. Not every gay person is a rapist anymore than every straight person is.
Bingo m'friend, you win the pot o' gold!!The very fact that this matter is up for discussion here, on a Christian board, should be a giant red flag as to how far our nation has fallen. Actually, "fallen" is not the right word... it is more like "swan dived"... into completely sin and immorality. The old rules and regulations already addressed homosexuality in the military... but the rampant immorality that now pervades our society has challenged these regulations and has turned them completely on their head.
We need some clarity here. There's not a single post in this thread that is endorsing homosexual behavior in the military. Not one. If someone is implying in any way that someone is doing so, that person needs to cite where this occurred, or be called out for the liar that they are.
Yet in the modern military (at least on Air Force bases) male and females are in the same barracks. Men and women are on the same boats (navy). So, what really is the difference. I remember one training tdy in Germany where we were "playing war" in the black forest (with miles gear). Men and women were assigned the same GP Large to live in. I remember the trainers making some big deal about "Ensure you call before entering. Also on showers if there are males around the shower during female times your #$@# is Grass". So, since this is how currently the military operates what the real difference?You are taking the position of taking a recovering alcoholic to lunch and you getting a glass of wine, but telling him to abstain - not only ridiculous, but cruel as well.
This is a point that you folk can't seem to grasp - to put a q---- in the barracks with scads of opportunities to ply his lust is no different than putting a teen boy in the girls locker room dressed as a girl and expect him to "keep his desires hidden".
In either case it's a keg of dynamite with a fire just inches from the fuse!!!!
IOW, IT'S STUPID, no matter how you feel about the fairness, or the person in question, or the platitudes of being Christ-like!!!
(I really don't think He would endorse putting all this temptation on one of "them" either!) - Just MHO tho'.
The problem lies with you. I was responding to the post I quoted.MP sez: Still having reading comprehension problems, I see!![]()
God treats all fornication alike. All fornication is an abomination, and the one who fornicates is condemned to the lake of fire. Treating them differently is strictly a human differentiation, not a scriptural one. I'm still stumped as to why you would have a problem banning all fornicators from military service, and why you continue to claim that banning all fornicators "excuses" sin.
You say conduct is the issue, but then you say anyone who is gay should be barred from enlisting. You're not differenting between someone identifying themselves as gay, and between homosexual conduct. Everyone here agrees that homosexual conduct shoult not be tolerated in the military. What you're saying, however, is that anyone who identifies themselves as gay should not be allowed in the military, regardless of conduct.
To be fair, we choose whom we have sexual relations with, regardless of whether the sexual desire is one of nature or nurture.
Still on this subject. Here is the issue. Homosexuality is no greater sin than fornication and adultary. Yet we turn a blind eye to people involved in those practices when it comes to the military. Note having lived in the barracks I can tell you fornication and adultary was happening all over the place and the only one who got in trouble were the ones who messed with the "wrong Person". Yet we don't disqualify these people from service. I think its hippocritical to exclude gays who are not greater sinners than the others I've mentioned. Since our country is made up of many different people, culture, and creeds I cannot enforce christian principles on anyone else. Nor should I discriminate a person from service if they hold a different creed. There are homosexuals that will be detrimental to service I dont support those. For the same grounds I don't support heterosexuals that would be detrimental. However, there is a class of homosexual that are honorable, have integrity, are intelligent, and will not let work and personal life mix. Just like there are Heterosexuals of the same ilk though personally they commit adultary and fornicate. Both of these should be able to serve and keep their "sins" closeted from the rest. However, to choose one above the other is Hippcritcal to the extreme. Homosexuals military leaders have not destroyed the cohesion of their units lets look at a few
Yoshimitsu Ashikaga (1358-1408)
Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938),
Amanullah Khan (1892-1960),
Basil II (c. 958-1025),
Beyazid I (1347-1403),
Sir Richard F. Burton (1821-1890),
Louis Cond» (1621-1686),
Enrique IV of Castile (1425-1474),
Charles George Gordon (1833-1885),
Ludwig Andreas Khevenhuller Frankenburg (1683-1744),
T.E. (Thomas Edward) Lawrence (1888-1935),
And these are just a few names from all over the world of successful miliatry leaders that also happened to be homosexual. So I don't think there is a valid point contrary.
Yet several here are supporting heterosexual fornicators in the military (not you necessarily), and then accusing those who don't agree with them of "excusing sin". That's hypocrisy.
Yet in the modern military (at least on Air Force bases) male and females are in the same barracks. Men and women are on the same boats (navy). So, what really is the difference. I remember one training tdy in Germany where we were "playing war" in the black forest (with miles gear). Men and women were assigned the same GP Large to live in. I remember the trainers making some big deal about "Ensure you call before entering. Also on showers if there are males around the shower during female times your #$@# is Grass". So, since this is how currently the military operates what the real difference?
"Ensure you call before entering. Also on showers if there are males around the shower during female times your #$@# is Grass". So, since this is how currently the military operates what the real difference?
So how does a straight make sure there are no gays around in the showers.
Will it be permissable to ask?
Or would that be discrimination and harassment?
The problem lies with you. I was responding to the post I quoted.
If you have taken showers with other fellows in high school, college or the military you have taken showers with gays present. No one, except a very stupid person, would make on overt approach in a shower with others present. It would, at least when I was young, have been a very unhealthy thing for a gay to do. ?
Are you really afraid of gays?