Bolded mineThe sad part is, DonnA, is that no one wants to call sin "Sin" any more. No, it is been re-wrapped as "shortcomings" and "choice" and "differences". Sin leaves a bad taste in the mouth and we can't have that.
That's the same reason you don't hear about the blood of Jesus in churches, or anything about hell. God has been tamed and pre-packaged to be as politically correct as all the other crap in today's society.
Where are the prophets crying out about God's coming wrath? Where are the people weeping for their sins and the sins of their neighbors? Where are the watchmen? We are all asleep in front of our televisions, watching the latest song and dance put forth by the powers that be to keep us pacified and ignorant.
Dear God, have mercy on us and our nation...
The LOVE and MERCY, and PATIENCE of God are well publicized and heralded! But it's slim to none the chance that you'll hear a sermon on God's wrath, judgment, or anger anymore.
Those who are depending ONLY on the first listed attributes of God are going to be rather upset when they suddenly realize - too late - that all that sweetness and light that they had been promised by the liberals, has another aspect to it that was never explained to them.