Military life is highly disciplined, and in most cases a 24/7 life within arms reach of other like-minded souls.
Now would you be comfortable with your daughter living in a barracks that had a known rapist sharing her "bedroom" (depending on the facility, being from 2-20 occupants per "bedroom") and bath facilities? If not why would you disapprove?
(Would you even be comfortable with her living in a barracks that had a male, not a rapist, sharing her quarters? -- think abut this before you get your panties in a wad.)
This, my bleeding heart friends, is exactly what you are asking our troops to do when you insist that "living & serving " with the q----- must wait until he makes his "move" before any action is taken. In the example given, you would have to wait for a rape to occur before any action could be taken. This is utter stupidity!!!!
Get real folks, If God calls this "life-choice" an abomination, who are you to demand that the potential for such "an abomination" be foisted upon a bunch of guys who have no say in the matter, and, as Rev Mitch (IIRC) says, is just opening the floodgates for future charges of hate crimes, discrimination, and God (literally) only knows what other PC induced problems!!!
If you are comfortable with this aberrant life-style and the potential consequences, then you take them in as a project for rehab.
Don't push your PC garbage on a bunch of innocent guys who, as you probably well know, will be the butt of any discipline problems that WILL arise as the standards get laxer.
If I know there's a rattlesnake that has taken up residence in a flower bed next to my house, I sure ain't gonna wait till somebody gets bit before I take eradication measures.
A lot of you folk either have a common sense problem, or you honestly have no idea what you are dealing with.
This thread is a lot like the young marrieds that swear that "My kids will never----, " or "My kids will always---"; while they have yet to be parents! I Know, cause I was one of those and I ate a lot of words later.
So basically what I'm saying is that if you have had no experience with q----- other than a business or casual acquaintance, you'd best keep your opinions to yourself cause you know not whereof you speak - reality ain't so cut & dried!!