... (sigh) Understood. In your mind, there is no hope for any of them, none of them are trustworthy, until they convert to Christianity.
By the way: Are all Baptists trustworthy? ...
There's no hope for any of us without Jesus Christ. None of us are inherently trustworthy outside Him because we're otherwise all liars and followers of the greatest liar ever.
Islam doesn't get a pass on this!
What you need to understand - and you clearly don't - is that Islam preaches not only lies but ultimately the killing of all non-believers of Islam. You can think you have some really nice Muslim friends but in their hearts they know what their religion calls for them to do and given the right time and place and leadership they'll be faced with doing it.
God warned the Israelites against living among the pagans of their time. They ignored Him and did what their human judgment thought best. It cost them dearly.
We're not Israel and times are different but people and God are still the same. We're fools if we think we can encourage the growth of Islam in our land without suffering the consequences of it.
I'm standing by my position that all Christians need to wise up to what's happening amongst us and do whatever we can to stop the growth of Islam especially here in our nation. We'd better not be fooled by the "moderates" among them and the purveyors of "diversity" among us.
Call it what it is and be wary of it because Ft. Hood will come to your neighborhood.