Corporations work on margins. They expect a certain percentage of return on the investments they have.
When government raises their taxes, they simply pass their new taxes on to their customers or they cut their costs by cutting employees. Their customers pass the higher prices on to consumers. Consumers get higher prices on the goods they purchase.
What Obama and dems are doing is playing class warfare with America. They are pitting Americans against Americans as a way to generate votes. This is, by the way, the socialist playbook for introducing socialism into a country. You turn the employees against the employers, and then, when chaos becomes rampant, the government takes over.
And the uninformed will say, "Let's stick it to those big corporations, they deserve it. Let the government run the place, they're on our side."
Before you know it, you'll be waiting in line for four hours to get a loaf of bread. You'll be waiting two or three months to get your gall-bladder out because you're not a priority. You'll go to get you're cancer treatment and, after waiting 8 hours, they'll tell you the medicine didn't come in. (all of the above are true stories).
I'm not for government subsidies to anyone, including those companies that send their jobs overseas.
The answer, however, is not to elect a socialist liberal like Obama. If you think its bad now, you haven't seen anything yet.
peace to you
