Correct, he invited them over for drinks and he went to the capitol and met with their caucus.
That's not bipartisanship.
He listened to their ideas, however there were some who wanted to do nothing and others who only supported more tax cuts. Do nothing is not an option the people want and tax cuts are in the plan. Why won't the Republican's acknowledge that tax cuts are in this plan?
There are tax cuts. Everyone acknowledges that. The problem is that there aren't enough, and there is too much wasteful spending on others things. This is not a stimulus bill, and Ken calling it a "jobs bill" is laughable and foolish.
He said "I won" when Eric Cantor came to the table with the attitude of "it's our way or no way".
Obama had to remind him who won the election which means the people had a chance to choose your tax cuts but opted for a different plan. We cut taxes the last 8 years and got here. How can more tax cuts get us out?
In the last eight years, the federal debt went up by about 4 trillion dollars under Bush. In the last 30 days under Obama it has already gone up by another trillion. The tax cuts of the last eight years were not the problem. Spending (both personal and national) was the problem. For some reason, youd don't get that. We got here by spending too much money. Not by spending too little.
Listen, America had a chance to choose tax cuts in the last election. That philosophical point of view lost.
Really? Obama promised a tax cut. Did you forget?
The Republican's were listened to. They came with the idea of more tax cuts or to be more correct, 100% tax cuts or they wouldn't vote. Ok, they kept their word, they didn't vote... But we heard them. We all heard them yelling into the mic about how no one was listening. I kept trying to tell them, I can hear you and I am sure everyone else can also. We just don't like your suggestions.
But that's bad judgment on your part. You want to return to the failed policies of the past which was more spending. That is a failed policy. It didn't work. Why do you want to do it some more?
I was thinking the same thing PL, even though you have this hatred for Obama you should be objective enough to admit his administration has done more in 3 weeks passing this legislation than most have done in their entire administration. He got the biggest legislation in history through the congress in record time. Why won't you be objective enough to give credit where it is due?
You are wrong on several counts. I don't hate Obama. Second, it wasn't the biggest legislation in history really. Third it wasn't record time
However, you are correct. He has done more than most administrations. It usually takes administrations a lot longer than three weeks to run up this much debt.
If you think that's good, then so be it.
And the fact that he couldn't make the rocks cry out (the republican's get on board) is not a reflection of his bad leadership, in fact, it dispels another GOP rumor. He's not the Messiah...
It is more indicative of the fact that people see through his bad ideas. The GOP never thought he was the MEssiah. That was his own party. You see, you can't even get little facts straight.